- Tactics of interrogation with participation of interpreter during investigation of economic crimes. Sergey V. SHVETS; Vladimir D. ZELENSKY; Aleksandr Y. KORCHAGIN; Svetlana A. KUEMZHIEVA
- Taptana: um recurso didático para o ensino e aprendizagem da matemática. NERES, Raimundo Luna; CASTRO, Eliziane Rocha; NASCIMENTO, Francisco Jeovane do e LEITE, Luciana Rodrigues
- Target costing e custeio direto em instituição confessional de ensino: uma aplicação no curso de graduação em administração. Luiz Carlos Lemos Júnior y Romualdo Douglas Colauto
- Tax System as a Factor of Macroeconomic Dynamics. PHONGPHENG, Preecha
- Taxa de frequência de acidentes de trabalho em locais com diferentes temperaturas em um abatedouro de frangos. Fabiano TAKEDA; Antônio Renato Pereira MORO
- Taxation Efficiency of Modern Employment Administration. PUNGNIRUND, Bundit
- Taxis eléctricos en la ciudad de Loja - Ecuador. JARAMILLO, Wilson E.
- Taxonomia empresarial y política industrial: Los efectos del ajuste estructural en la cultura tecnológica de las empresas. Arnoldo Pirela
- Taxonomy for the classification of container ports: A contribution to port governance. Guilherme Bergmann Borges VIEIRA; Francisco José KLIEMANN NETO
- Teacher beliefs and practices surrounding the use of literature in the EFL classroom: A case for explicit instruction. WHITENER, Whitney M.
- Teacher intellectual capital. Assessment approaches. BUDOVICH, LIDIA S.; NADTOCHIY, YULIYA B.
- Teacher's Readiness to Increase the Degree of Continuity of Education: Concepts and Means of Evaluation. Tatyana Pavlovna AFANASYEVA; Yurii Stanislavovich TYUNNIKOV; Igor Sergeevich KAZAKOV; Yuri Alexandrovich YURCHENKO
- Teaching at the Modern Russian Primary School: Pros and Cons. Natalia Fyodorovna VINOGRADOVA
- Teaching Traditional Folk Culture at Modern Russian General Education School. Elena S. MEDKOVA
- Teaching the Scientific Style of the Russian Language (Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics) to Foreign Students at the University. Bella Akhmedovna BULGAROVA; Marina Aleksandrovna BRAGINA; Natalia Viktorovna NOVOSELOVA; Aleksandra Vladimirovna VORONOVA; Anna Aleksandrovna SEMANINA; Veronika Valeryevna BONDAREVA; Vera Nikolayevna LEVINA
- Teaching Reading Skills to Foreign Non-Philology Students Using Internet Resources during Pre-University Training. Kholisakhon Eshmatovna ISMAILOVA; Olga Victorovna BONDAREVA; Liliya Borisovna BELOGLAZOVA; Georgy Borisovich POKROVSKIY
- Teamwork and leadership styles, their relationship with decision making in the organization: a review. AVENDAÑO PÉREZ, Víctor J.; FLORES-URBÁEZ, Matilde J. & BRICEÑO VILORIA, Sonia R.
- TeamWork: Uso de groupware para processos de projetos de engenharia e arquitetura no serviço público. Kazuo HATAKEYAMA; Mehran MISAGHI; Rommel SOUZA da Silva
- Technical and economic analysis of an industrial tomato transplanting system. Túlio de Almeida MACHADO; Fábio Lúcio SANTOS; Haroldo Carlos FERNANDES; Domingos Sárvio Magalhães VALENTE; João Paulo Barreto CUNHA
- Technical Cooperation and Innovation in the textile dressmaking exporting SME in Barranquilla-Colombia. MORENO-CHARRIS Ana Virginia; PAREDES-CHACÍN Ana Judith
- Technological forecasting: renewable energies generation in Brazil. Diogo José HORST; Winicyus DIHL y Antonio Carlos de FRANCISCO
- Technological Innovation, Health Research and Management in Addressing Current and Future Societal Challenges. Elena TARASOVA; Tatiana KOCHEGURA; Natalya ALEXANDRUSHKINA; Lyalya GABBASOVA; Zhanna AKOPYAN
- Technological management and innovation in organizations: A systematic review of the literature. POMAQUERO, Juan Carlos; LOPEZ, José Fernando & LOPEZ, José Luis
- Technological modeling and management of the re-circulating water system for light industry finishing enterprises. K.D. TOIBAYEV; A.S. TAUBALDIYEVA; K.A. NAURUZBAEV; D.K. JARTAEVA; T.G. JUNUSSOV; G.T. KASSABEKOVA; G.B. ALDABERGENOVA
- Technological surveillance in advanced steel used in the automotive industry. Carlos Alberto LÓPEZ C., Jhon Wilder ZARTHA Sossa
- Technological survey: the use of lamellar clays in drug delivery. Tamires Andrade da SILVA; Giselle Alves da PAIXÃO; Julio Henrique Rodrigues GOMES; José Wilson Curcino dos SANTOS; Irinaldo Diniz Basílio JÚNIOR; Ticiano Gomes do NASCIMENTO; Luciano Aparecido Meireles GRILLO; Camila Braga DORNELAS
- Technologies of managing students’ creative activities: differentiated instruction. ZALUTSKAYA, Svetlana Yu
- Technology Development in Spin-off Company Theme is going toward a Discussion of Organizational Structure? Academic Research Trend Analyssi. Tomoe Daniela Hamanaka Gusberti, Liane Werner and Márcia Elisa Soares Echeveste
- Technology of implementation of the software module 1C: University in activities of primary labour union employee organization of a higher education institution. Andrey A. SHAYDUROV; Svetlana V. CHENUSHKINA; Tatiana Yu. SHAYDUROVA; Andrey A. TSAREGORODTSEV; Ivan S. KOROTAEV
- Technology of processing of results of geodetic support of 3D seismic survey in the territories of oil and gas fields. MARTYNOVA, Natalia, G.; BUDAROVA, Valentina, A.; SHEREMETEVSKY, Artem, V.; DUBROVSKIY, Alexey V.; MALYGINA OLESYA, I.; ZHARNIKOV Valeriy B. & TELITSYN Vitaly, L.
- Technology of project time management. Zufar Kh. KHUSAINOV
- Technology Strategies in Private Universities Based on Balanced Score Card. Milagro del Carmen PATRÓN Noriega; Rixia VILLALOBOS de Weffer
- Technology strategies: the influence of technology transfer and audit technological in the furniture industries in southern Brazil. Luani BACK, João Luiz KOVALESKI y Pedro Paulo de ANDRADE JUNIOR
- Técnicas cuantitativas de investigación de mercados aplicadas al consumo de carne en la generación millennial de la ciudad de Cuenca (Ecuador). RODRÍGUEZ, Diego F.; ERAZO, Juan C. y NARVÁEZ, Cecilia I.
- Técnicas de extracción de características de señales EEG en la imaginación de movimiento para sistemas BCI. Boris MEDINA; Javier E. SIERRA; Alexis Barrios ULLOA
- Técnicas de mineração de dados aplicadas a um problema de diagnóstico médico. Carla Regina Mazia ROSA; Maria Teresina Arns STEINER; Pedro José STEINER Neto
- Técnicas de Prospecção e Maturidade Tecnológica para suportar atividades de P&D. Herlandí de Souza ANDRADE; Vanessa Cristina Gatto CHIMENDES; Adriano Carlos Moraes ROSA; Messias Borges SILVA; Milton de Freitas CHAGAS Jr.
- Tecnidec: la primera empresa universitaria. Luis F. Marcano
- Tecnologia assistiva e inovação como ferramentas de propulsão da inclusão social e cidadania. Rosângela Becker COSSA; Naiara Amália da SILVA; Rafael Bianchini GLAVAM; Maiara de Lima Machado WESTRUP; Solange Becker COSSA; Emillie MICHELS; Sérgio Fernando MAYERLE
- Tecnologia Assistiva: revisão de aspectos relacionados ao tema. Juliana Maria Moreira SOARES; Andréa Regina Martins FONTES; Cleyton Fernandes FERRARINI; Miguel Angel Aires BORRAS; Daniel BRAATZ
- Tecnologia, Cultura e Desenvolvimento em Álvaro Vieira Pinto e Darcy Ribeiro nas décadas de 1950-60. Gilson Leandro Queluz y Luiz Ernesto Merkle
- Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação: A percepção dos professores de uma escola pública profissionalizante em relação à gestão e utilização de recursos digitais. Sylvia Marcela de LIMA; Sabrina Anne de LIMA; Marina Ferreira Araújo de ALMEIDA; Antonio Carlos FRASSON
- Tecnologia da informação e comunicação nas produções acadêmicas do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ensino de Ciência e Tecnologia da UTFPR. Clodogil Fabiano Ribeiro DOS SANTOS; Eliana Cláudia Mayumi ISHIKAWA; Nilcéia Aparecida Maciel PINHEIRO; Guataçara DOS SANTOS Jr.; Antonio Carlos FRASSON; Luiz Alberto PILATTI
- Tecnologia destinada a produção de biodiesel utilizando uma plataforma de baixo custo e multifuncionalidade: Reator multifuncional destinado a produção de biodiesel. Francisco de Assis da Silva MOTA; Auceliane André da Silva LIMA; Francisco Francielle Pinheiro dos SANTOS
- Tecnologia Social e Permacultura: percurso da trajetória de uma família de agroecologistas. Keyla Cristina Pereira Prado PRADO; Carlos Alberto Marçal GONZAGA ; Carlos Cesar Garcia FREITAS
- Tecnología de la información como apoyo al proceso para la toma de decisiones gerenciales en organizaciones del sector eléctrico de Venezuela. Leodardo Chacín
- Tecnologia social e inovação social: interação indutora do desenvolvimento sustentável nos territórios rurais. Rudrigo Otávio Andrade ARAÚJO, Gesinaldo Ataíde CÂNDIDO
- Tecnología Domótica: Análisis de Patentes. Neida Coromoto Boscán Romero y Rixia Villalobos de Weffer
- Tecnologia e a sustentabilidade: Estudo de caso na minifábrica de cajuina na região Entre Rios – PI. Francisco Francirlar Nunes BEZERRA
- Tecnologia e inovação: novos desafios para o Brasil. Diego Bonaldo Coelho y Paulo Roberto Feldmann
- Tecnologia e o serviço de rastreabilidade na cadeia produtiva de carne bovina no Brasil. Nelson Roberto FURQUIM
- Tecnologia educacional e estilos de aprendizagem. Carlos Cesar Garcia Freitas, Raquel Dorigan de Matos, João Carlos da Cunha, Paulo da Costa Lopes y Flaviane Pelloso Molina Freitas
- Tecnologia social: Caracterização da produção científica. Carlos Cesar Garcia Freitas y Andrea Paula Segatto
- Tecnología social: retomando un debate Renato Dagnino
- Tecnologia Social e Políticas Públicas: O Caso do Projeto Seda Justa da Comunidade Vila Rural Esperança. Maria Iolanda Sachuk y Maíra Coelho Bonilha
- Tecnologia social e políticas públicas para o desenvolvimento: ideias para serem discutidas na Academia. Louise de Lira Roedel BOTELHO; Artur Filipe Ewald WUERGES; Eliseu Champe da SILVA; Cleomar MINETTO; Marcelo MACEDO; Evelin Priscila TRINDADE
- Tecnología y gestión del conocimiento: aproximación educativa. GRANDE-De-Prado, Mario; CAÑÓN-Rodríguez, Ruth; FERRERO-De-Lucas, Elena y VÁZQUEZ-Fernández, José L.
- Tecnologias assistivas na educação a distância e a inclusão de cegos: Relato de experiência por meio da história oral. Adriano STADLER; Gabriela Eyng POSSOLLI
- Tecnologias de informação e comunicação nas licenciaturas em geografia das universidades estaduais do Paraná-BR: Presença e contribuições. Marcelo Augusto ROCHA ; Lucken Bueno LUCAS
- Tecnologías de información y comunicación en el marco de la estrategia instruccional del docente universitario. CUJIA, Sileny; JIMENEZ, Meredith L.; MARTELO, Raúl J.
- Tecnologías de información y comunicación, y profesionalización empresarial en hipermercados y supermercados familiares en Venezuela. Lissette HERNÁNDEZ - FERNÁNDEZ; Rafael PORTILLO - MEDINA; Ana HERNÁNDEZ Chacín; Jenny ROMERO Borré
- Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación: herramienta clave en la solución de controversias. Adriana Patricia ARBOLEDA López; Luis Fernando GARCÉS Giraldo
- Tecnologías de Inteligencia de Negocios y Minería de datos para el análisis de la producción y comercialización de cacao. Bertha MAZÓN-Olivo; Marcia JARAMILLO-Paredes; Oscar ROMERO-Hidalgo; Amarilis BORJA-Herrera; Martha AGUIRRE-Benalcazar; María CONTENTO-Segarra
- Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) para el Desarrollo Organizacional de la Policía del Estado Nueva Esparta (Preparación para el Cambio). Dolores A. ÁLVAREZ D., Ramón E. BUONAFFINA F., Suhail A. ZABALA A.
- Tecnologías de Realidad Aumentada para enriquecer ambientes culturales y educativos. Caso: el Museo de Historia Natural de la UPTC. Paola Andrea CEPEDA-GALVIS; Miguel Ángel MENDOZA-MORENO; Ariel Adolfo RODRÍGUEZ-HERNÁNDEZ
- Tecnologias e práticas utilizadas para reduzir o consumo hídrico em residências urbanas, Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brasil. Lucianna Marques Rocha FERREIRA; Ivna Rafaela Ribeiro dos Santos COSTA; Victor Hugo Diniz CUNHA; José DANTAS NETO
- Tecnologias Gratuitas para o Ensino das Disciplinas de Algoritmos e Programação. Cleverson Sebastião DOS ANJOS; Rodrigo DUDA; Sani de Carvalho Rutz Da SILVA
- Tecnologias Sustentáveis: Desenvolvimento de um Secador Solar para Secagem de Frutas. Antonio Gomes NUNES; Noemia Suely Lacerda PELLEGRINO
- Tecnologias visuais e a compreensão crítica da imagem: uma reflexão sobre os estudos da cultura visual e a educação. SILVA, Rossano; GÓES, Anderson R. T. e VAZ, Adriana
- Tecnologías y Sistemas de Información al servicio de la salud. Madelein Arellano Rodríguez y Teresa Gamboa Cáceres
- Tecnologías y web 2.0 y su relación con la estadía en la universidad: estudio de caso en República Dominicana. Francisco ORGAZ-AGÜERA; Salvador MORAL-CUADRA; Cándida María DOMÍNGUEZ VALERIO
- Telecommunications Solutions in Offshore Petroleum Operations: an Operator Study. Claudio BENEVENUTO de Campos Lima; Rodrigo NUNES Ferreira; Gilson BRITO Alves Lima; José Francisco TEBALDI de Castro; Vladimir STEFFEN Pinto; Danilo GARBAZZA Vieira
- Teleoperación académica en ambiente educativo del robot RV-M1 con Matlab® en red RENATA. Javier ROLDÁN Mckinley; Eugenio YIME Rodríguez; José SOSA Rodríguez
- Telerehabilitación funcional en entornos virtuales interactivos como propuesta de rehabilitación en pacientes con discapacidad. BARRIOS, Meryene; RODRIGUEZ, Liliana; PACHÓN, Claudia; MEDINA, Boris y SIERRA, Javier E.
- Temas das pesquisas em educação no Brasil: quantificação das palavras-chaves dos periódicos com Qualis A de 2012 a 2017. Daniel Costa Vianna MUCCIOLO
- Temperatura e substrato para o teste de germinação de sementes de tamarindo. Deyner Damas Aguiar SILVA; Carla Gomes MACHADO; Simério Carlos Silva CRUZ; Igor Leonardo VESPUCCI; Yuri Jorge Dutra de ARAUJO
- Temporalidad de la Infraestructura Vial propuesta en Armenia – Colombia Vs Beneficios en términos de Accesibilidad Territorial Urbana. Eduar J . GARCÍA; Diego A. ESCOBAR
- Tendência Pluviométrica em Bacia Hidrográfica Amazônica: Impactos potenciais sobre comunidades de peixes. Paula Verônica Campos Jorge SANTOS; Antonio Carlos Leal de CASTRO; Jose Manuel Macário REBÊLO; Victor Lamarão de FRANÇA; Leonardo Silva SOARES
- Tendencias actuales y problemas de desarrollo de las fuentes de energía renovables en la República de Sakha (Yakutia). IVANOVA, Lena V.; ELYAKOVA, Isabella D.; ELYAKOV, Alexandr L.; TOTONOVA, Elena E.; ALEKSEEVA, Natalya N. & GRIGOREVA, Valentina V.
- Tendencias de investigación en relacionamiento legal en negocios internacionales (2012-2016). Yamile Andrea MONTENEGRO; Pedro Nel VALBUENA
- Tendencias de producción y consumo ecológico. Camilo Alfonso ARROYAVE-RAMÍREZ; Juan Pablo ARRUBLA-ZAPATA
- Tendencias del patentamiento en el segmento de exploración y producción (E&P) de la industria petrolera. Ana Amélia Magalhães Gomes Martini y Adelaide Maria de Souza Antunes
- Tendencias emergentes de los postgrados en el Mundo. AGUIRRE VÉLEZ, Julián; CASTRILLÓN HERNÁNDEZ, Fabio y ARANGO-ALZATE, Bibiana.
- Tendências para utilização de sistemas de aprendizagem adaptativa no contexto educacional. Marcos Andrei OTA; Carlos Fernando de ARAÚJO JR.
- Tendencias recientes de la Educación Virtual y su fuerte conexión con los Entornos Inmersivos. Zhoe COMAS-GONZÁLEZ, Isabel ECHEVERRI-OCAMPO, Ronald ZAMORA-MUSA, Jeimy VELEZ, Roman SARMIENTO, Martha ORELLANA
- Tendências Tecnológicas no Segmento de Cultivares no Setor Sucroenergético Brasileiro. Adriana Carvalho Pinto VIEIRA; Junior Ruiz GARCIA; Divina Aparecida Leonel LUNAS
- Tension management and capabilities in coopetition. Josefina SANTOLAYA-SANZ; Eva-María MORA-VALENTÍN; Marta ORTIZ-DE-URBINA-CRIADO
- Teor de água e consumo hidrico das pimenteiras ornamentais em cultivo orgânico. Viviane Farias SILVA; Elka Costa Santos NASCIMENTO; Carlos Vailan Castro BEZERRA; Leandro Oliveira de ANDRADE; Vera Lúcia Antunes de LIMA
- Teoria da aprendizagem significativa na prática docente. Cleângela Oliveira SOUSA; Antônio Marcos da Costa SILVANO; Ivoneide Pinheiro de LIMA
- Teoria das opções reais na análise de investimentos imobiliários. André da Rocha TRIERVEILER; Rogério Feroldi MIORANDO; Francisco José KLIEMANN NETO; Ricardo Gonçalves de Faria CORRÊA; Juliano DENICOL
- Teoria das Restrições e Gestão de Projetos – Corrente Crítica: Uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura. Alessandro KAHMANN, Ana Paula KLOECKNER, Lidiana ZOCCHE, Ricardo Augusto CASSEL
- Teoria das Restrições e Seis Sigma: limites e possibilidades de integração para a melhoria contínua. Diego Augusto de Jesus PACHECO, Carlos Fernando JUNG y Carla Scwenberg TEN CATEN
- Teoria das restrições e simulação aplicadas no gerenciamento de demanda de uma unidade de pronto atendimento. Felipe SARTOR, José Airton A. dos SANTOS; Carla Adriana Pizarro SCHMIDT
- Teoria de Agência Aplicada no Setor Público. Vinicius Abilio MARTINS; Wesley Vieira DA SILVA; Rodrigo Alexandre DE MELO; Renato Zancan MARCHETTI; Claudimar Pereira DA VEIGA
- Teoria social contemporânea e materialismo dialético. Glauber Lopes XAVIER
- Teorias de desenvolvimento regional: Análise de um distrito agroindustrial no Brasil. Joana D'arc Bardella CASTRO; Claudiano Carneiro da Cruz NETO
- Teorías de emprendimiento: revisión crítica de la literatura y sugerencias para futuras investigaciones. TERÁN-YÉPEZ, Eduardo F. y GUERRERO-MORA, Andrea M.
- TEP, matemática y comunicación democrática en educación superior. Olga Lucy RINCÓN Leal; Mawency VERGEL Orteg;a José Joaquín MARTÍNEZ Lozano
- Terceirização na administração pública: estudo das relações interpessoais dos colaboradores terceirizados. Naiara Ingrid Aparecida dos SANTOS; Márcio ECKARDT; Núbia Adriane DA SILVA
- Terceiro setor e seus desafios. Lorena Brito FERNANDES; Carlos Cesar Garcia FREITAS; Flaviane Pelloso Molina FREITAS
- Termografia na prevenção de acidentes no sistema elétrico de potência. Heverton Marcello Schenigoski AMARANTE; José Carlos Alberto de PONTES; Ariel Orlei MICHALOSKI
- Territorialidade e Agricultura: Percepções Na Rizicultura Familiar No Município De Gaspar – SC, BRASIL. Lindair Maria Lanz SCHNEIDER; Oklinger MANTOVANELI JR.; Valdinho PELLIN
- Territorialidade Econômica e Estratégias das Empresas Globais do Setor Agroindustrial no Mato Grosso do Sul. Thiago da Silva MELO; Lisandra Pereira LAMOSO
- Territorialização do Agronegócio e as Novas Dinâmicas no Sudoeste e Norte de Goiás. Fernando Carlos Alves da SILVA; Gustavo Henrique MENDONÇA; Divina Aparecida Leonel LUNAS
- Territórios em disputa: questões emergentes causadas pela expansão do mercado de biocombustíveis. Carlo Alessandro CASTELLANELLI; Luise Medina CUNHA
- Teste de aptidão para pilotagem militar – TAPMIL: Conceitos, pontos e contrapontos na sua aplicação. GOULART, Anderson de Freitas; CHIACCHIO, Simon Skarabone Rodrigues; TEIXEIRA, Bruno Eduardo; TECH, Adriano Rogério Bruno
- Testing economic systems of capitalist countries by the world economic crisis. Svetlana A. MAKARENKO; Nadezhda Yu. SUKHINA; Sergey M. KRYMOV; Sergey V. MARTYNENKO; Aleksandr A. ADAMENKO
- Testing Mass Media Communicative Efficiency In Environmental Motivation Development (The Case Study Of Bangkok, Thailand). Preecha PONGPENG
- Tests for Sectorial Market Efficiency of the Dynamics in Moscow Exchange. ALEXAKIS Christos; IGNATOVA Tatiana & POLYANIN Andrei
- Texas School Accountability Ratings: Labeling the school academic effectiveness or a resemblance of students’ demographics ratios on each school? SEPÚLVEDA, Felipe
- Textos e contextos do ensino da geografia no ensino fundamental na escola municipal Presidente Costa e Silva - Maranhão, Brasil. Marcio José CELERI; Roberta Maria Batista de Figueiredo LIMA; Josenira Ferreira de OLIVEIRA
- Textual construction of a learner’s linguistic persona (a case study of Kuzbass university students’ essays) . Natalia MELNIK; Irina SAVELEVA; Olga FELDE; Galina KOPNINA; Irina EVSEEVA
- Thai small business owner leasing customer trust: A SEM analysis. SUVITSAKDANON, Udom & SORNSARUHT, Puris
- The achievement of educational identity in adolescents and emerging adults adopted in Argentina and in Italy. FERMANI, Alessandra; BONGELLI, Ramona; DEL MORAL ARROYO, Gonzalo; MATUSZAK, Alla; MUZI, Morena; PEREYRA CARDINI Carlos A. & RICCIONI, Ilaria
- The Acid-Basic Properties of Carboxy-Containing Macroporous Cation Exchange Resins. Sergey STEPANOV 1,3, Galina VERETENNİKOVA ; Olga STEPANOVA; Yuliya NİKOLAEVA; Olga SVETNEVA; Natalia MEYCHİK
- The activity of research organizations as a stimulating factor for the innovative production development in the Southern Federal District of Russia. ZUNDE, Victoria V.; KETOVA, Natalya P. & MURZIN, Anton D.
- The Actual Problems of Assets Securitization in Commercial Organizations. Tatiana M. KOVALEVA; Oleg A. KHVOSTENKO; Alla G. GLUKHOVA; Evgeny V. MOZHAROVSKY
- The application of risk-oriented approach in construction of a system of legal counteraction to the negative information impact on the psyche of minors. Alexander OSTROUSHKO; Dmitry KARPUHIN; Olesya MERKUSHOVA; Yulia VOROBYOVA
- The Art of Haiku as a Mean of Multicultural Training of Children in Pre-School Education. Almira M. GARIFULLINA; Svetlana N. BASHINOVA
- The assessment of internal factors’ impact on the innovative development of Russian regions. SHAVINA, Evgeniya V.; MOISEEV, Nikita A.; DOTSENKO, Elena Y. & SIVKOVA, Anna E.
- The Basic Tendencies of the Agricultural Sector of Kazakhstan's Economy in the Sheep Industry. Zhibek NURLANKYZY; Faya SHULENBAYEVA; Bazarhan RUSTEMBAYEV; Bakytgul AİNAKANOVA; Aigul KAZKENOVA
- The Battle of Stalingrad as Told by the Children of Stalingrad. Zoia TININA; Olga RODIONOVA
- The blurred edge between the «bright» and «dark» side of leadership. Francoise V. CONTRERAS; Juan Carlos ESPINOSA
- The brand experience as an instrument for customer loyalty, segment: Health companies Guayaquil (Ecuador). Edgar SALAS Luzuriaga; Omar MINUCHE Barrera
- The characteristic features of the development of tourism in the mountainous regions of Kazakhstan. Nurkeldy ESPENBETOV; Osman SARDAROV; Alina PESTOVA; Gulnar USHKULAKOVA; Tatiana IMANGULOVA
- The choice of an optimal methodology for the retraining organization of psychologists based on the use of mathematical methods. Valery B. VILKOV; Olga I. SHCHERBAKOVA; Andrey K. CHERNYKH; Vladislav Р. АNDREEV; Tatyana L. KHUDYAKOVA; Svetlana N. KAZAKOVA
- The Choice of Strategic Economic Areas of a Meat Processing Enterprise. Tatiana V. MAKAROVA; Marina V. PALKINA; Alexey A. MIRONOV; Oksana S. AGALAKOVA; Alexey V. SYSOLYATIN; Natalya N. KATAEVA
- The Classification Matrix of Sources of New Knowledge as a Tool for Planning a Company’s Innovation Activity. Natalya Sergeevna KHOROSHAVINA; Antonina Vasilevna SHARKOVA; Oksana Nikolaevna VASILYEVA; Olga Viktorovna BORISOVA; Konstantin Olegovich SOKOLOV
- The cognitive – communicative audit technology to diagnose the problems affecting intercultural communicative competence emergence in foreign language acquisition. Markhabat KASSYMBEKOVA; Аsel TCHAKLIKOVA
- The Commercial and Economic Importance of the Beluga whale: the Past and the Future. Andrey Bondoevich KILADZE; Olga Fedorovna CHERNOVA
- The concept of personalized e-learning with the use of mobile applications based on ontologies. BAKANOVA, Anna Pavlovna; OKULOV, Sergej Aleksandrovich; CHUNAEV, Anton Vladimirovich; LOGINOV, Konstantin Viktorovich; SHIKOV, Aleksey Nikolaevich
- The Concept of Social Human Rights in the Conditions of the Destruction of the Social Sphere. Magomedgabib G. MAGOMEDOV; Bashir B. KHUBIEV; Zarema A. ATABIEVA; Anezha F. KUSHKHOVA; Ekaterina A. UGNICH
- The concept of sustainable development as adopted by environmental and geographical school education: Russia and Kazakhstan. Inna Vladimirovna SHIMLINA (Ryabtseva); Larisa Borisovna SUVOROVA
- The conceptual approach to the development of student youth’s favorable attitude to inclusive education in the system of higher education in the Russian Federation. Svetlana BURILKINA; Nelli SUPRUN; Elena KONDRASHOVA; Tatiana NERETINA; Natalya PLUGINA
- The Conceptual Model of Import Substitution in the Modern Global Economy. Dmitry N. PANTELEEV; Andrey A. GORDIN; Anastasia A. SOZINOVA
- The conference as an effective form of organizing the evaluation of students’ project and research activities. Aygul Zufarovna IBATOVA
- The continuity principle as a basis for forming stochastic competence in students of 10 and 11 grades of Russian general education schools. Sergey Viktorovich SHCHERBATYKH; Kseniya Gennadyevna LYKOVA
- The creative potential of museum pedagogy within the modern society. Konstantin Yuryevich MILOVANOV; Ekaterina Yevgenyevna NIKITINA; Nataliya Leonidovna SOKOLOVA; Marina Georgiyevna SERGEYEVA
- The creative writings of Abay Kunanbayev in the Tatar literary reception. Ainur MASHAKOVA; Milyausha KHABUTDINOVA
- The current state of the credit market of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Makpal Tokanovna ZHOLAMANOVA; Aktolkyn Turlukanovna KULSARIYEVA; Assylbek Orinshaikhovitch BAZARBAYEV
- The Current State of the Formation of Socio-Ethical Competence in Prospective Elementary School Teachers. Zhanar IRZHASOVA; Ayman MAZHITOVA; Bakhytzhamal KOZHUKHOVA; Sholpan ZHANDAUOVA; Assel KLYSHEVA; Damesh ABDULLINA; Natalia LUKYANETS; Bayan MUNARBAEVA; Marina SOLOVYOVA; Oksana NIKULINA
- The current state of the payment infrastructure and development of payment systems in Russia and the Volgograd region. Olga Mikhailovna KOROBEYNIKOVA; Dmitry Alexandrovich KOROBEYNIKOV; Larisa Vitalyevna POPOVA; Oksana Vladimirovna SAVINA; Raisa Shahmurdinovna KAMILOVA
- The deaf student and the process of teaching learning in professional education. Juliane Retko URBAN; Eliane Maria MORRIESEN; Antônio Carlos FRASSON; Siumara Aparecida de LIMA
- The determinants of corporate capital structure: evidence from Russian panel data. Igor KIRSHIN; Gleb VOLKOV
- The determinants of risk tolerance: a behavioural analysis. Everton Anger Cavalheiro, Kelmara Mendes Vieira y Paulo Sérgio Ceretta
- The development of a multi-criteria approach to assess innovative projects efficiency. Tatyana V. ALEXANDROVA; Svetlana L. ZHUKOVSKAYA; Nikolai Yu. VOEVODKIN
- The development of aesthetic education of students of the course «Business Informatics» within the framework of teaching of discipline «Computer systems, networks and telecommunications». Natalya B. PANCHENKO; Juliya S. BERDOVA
- The development of foreign trade in the era of globalization. Barkhudar Sh. GUSSENOV; N. B. KORABAEVA; G. A. ZHUNUSOVA; A.G. TOLAMISOVA; S. N. AITKULOVA
- The development of a personal well-being index –indicator of the life satisfaction. YERMILOVA, Victoria V.; LOKTIONOVA, Yulia N.; SMIRNOV, Artem V.; SEREGINA, Tatiana N. & PROKOPYEV, Alexey I.
- The Development of Linguistically Gifted Pupils’ Originality of Thinking at the Classes of a Foreign Language. Lyudmila N. SHCHERBATYKH
- The Development of Media Literacy for Undergraduate Students: A Second Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis. PISLAE-NGAM, Kattakamon & PETSANGSRI, Sirirat
- The Development of Physical Training Culture of a Personality. Emilia P. KOMAROVA; Alexander S. FETISOV; Tatiana V. LARINA; Olga V. GALUSTYAN
- The development of research competence among the students of technical education. Oksana Olegovna GORSHKOVA
- The development of risk-management techniques in order to improve the quality control-supervisory activities. Vladimir I. AVDIYSKIY; Vyacheslav M. BEZDENEZHNYKH
- The development of the educational institutions in the regions of contemporary Russia: current practice (on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan). Lyutsiya Mugtabarovna GAISINA; Yuri Nikolaevich DOROZHKIN; Svetlana Gennad'evna RESHETOVA; Iuliia Viktorovna RASULEVA; Flura Rishatovna IMAMUTDINOVA; Dina Flyurovna KHAFIZOVA
- The development of the higher education services market as a priority direction of the professional school modernization. Marina Georgiyevna SERGEEVA; Svetlana Lvovna MOROKHINA; Svetlana Vasilevna MITROSENKO; Natalia Aleksandrovna PROSOLUPOVA; Tatiana Alekseevna KATASONOVA; Vera Vladimirovna MAKAROVA
- The Development of the Shadow Entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Iryna MARKINA; Artur HNIEDKOV; Mykola SOMYCH
- The digital economy as a new paradigm for overcoming turbulence in the modern economy of Russia. Svetlana Sergeevna NOSOVA; Anna Nikolaevna NORKINA; SvetlanaVladimirovna MAKAR; Irina Vladimirovna ARAKELOVA; Anna Mikhailovna MEDVEDEVA; Vladimir Zakharovich CHAPLYUK
- The directions and mechanisms of historic cultural heritage actualization. Natalia Vladimirovna MEDVEDEVA; Elena Viktorovna FROLOVA; Irina Yurevna SHIMANSKAYA; Olga Vladimirovna ROGACH; Elena Evgenyevna KABANOVA
- The dynamics of strategy and resources of the jewelry sector in Brazil. Ana Claudia Machado PADILHA; Cristina GALLON; Juliana Birkan AZEVEDO; Paloma de Mattos FAGUNDES; Aline PALMA
- The Economic Mechanism for the Formation of Local Budgets in Kazakhstan: Current State and Development Trends (Based on the Example of Pavlodar City). Zhanat ALTAIBAYEVA; Ainagul KURMANOVA; Aibek SOLTANGAZINOV; Shynar MUTALLYAPOVA
- The Effects of an Active Learning Approach through Service Learning to Improve Students’ Learning Achievement and Enhance Public Consciousness of Undergraduate Students. WONGKLANG, Piyanoot & PETSANGSRI, Sirirat
- The effects of changes in oil prices on the russian economy. SYZDYKOVA Aziza; TANRIÖVEN Cihan; NAHIPBEKOVA Symbat & KURALBAYEV Almaz
- The Effect of Employee Commitment, Culture, and Leadership Style On Good Governance Performance of Jombang District Government (Indonesia). SUSILO, Dwi Ermayanti; SOETJIPTO, Noer; TRIWULAN B., Anasthasia; RATNANINGTYAS Djuwitawati; RISWANTO, Ari; Wasis WASIS & JAYA Fanlia Prima
- The Effect of Export and Imports on National Income in Kazakhstan: Econometric Analysis. SYZDYKOVA A.; ABUBAKIROVA A.; KELESBAYEV D.; OMAROVA A.; AMANIYAZOVA G.; SAUBETOVA B. &ANSHAYEVA D.
- The Effect of Organizational Learning, IT Capability and Employee Adaptability on Job Performance: A Moderation Model. SUHARNOMO, Suharnomo; RAHARDJA, Edy; HANDAYANI, Sri & UDIN, Udin
- The Effect of Russia’s In-Progress Import Substitution Strategy on its Agri-Food Security. Nadezda Vasilievna SEDOVA; Mikhail Аleksandrovich ANANIEV; Olga Mikhailovna ANANIEVA
- The effect of structural social capital on innovation performance through absorptive capacity. The case of a science park. Angel MESEGUER-MARTINEZ; Maria Jose RUIZ-ORTEGA; Gloria PARRA-REQUENA
- The Effectiveness of Financial and Monetary Instruments of Sustainable Development in Tajikistan’s Economy and Ways of Improving Them. Abdullo MIRAZIZOV; Ilmira RADZHABOVA; Minisa ABDULAEVA; Nurali RASULOV; Mashrab FAIZULLOEV; Avaz MAMATKULOV; Dilmurodi DAVLATZODA; Holmahmad AZIMOV; Gulchehra DZHURAEVA; Bakhtiyor AHMADOV
- The effectiveness of state support for entrepreneurs in the markets of social services in rural areas. OGORODNIKOVA, Ekaterina S.; PLAKHIN, Andrey E.; KOCHERGINA, Tatiana V.; MIKHAILOVSKY, Petr V.; GUSEVA, Tatiana I. & SELEZNEVA, Maria V.
- The Effect of Company Size, Leverage and Return on Asset on Earnings Management: Case Study Indonesian. RUSDIYANTO & NARSA, I Made
- The effect of competitive intensity and management support on social media adoption and its impact on business performance of the culinary SMEs in Bali Province, Indonesia. YASA, Ni Nyoman K.; ADNYANI, I G. A. Dewi; RAHYUDA, Henny; RAHMAYANTI, Putu L. D. & WIJAYA, Putu Y.
- The effects of financial sector on development of russian regions under current conditions. Mikhail Ya. VESELOVSKY; Marina A. IZMAILOVA; Natalya L. KRASYUKOVA; Inna V. BITKINA; Alexander G. GLADYSHEV
- The Effect of HRD Practices for High-Performance Work Systems: An Empirical Study on IT Industries in India. Srinibash DASH; Uma Charan PATI
- The Effect of Macroeconomics on Stock Prices: Case Study Indonesian. RUSDIYANTO; HIDAYAT, Widi; SOETEDJO, Soegeng; TJARAKA, Heru; SEPTIARINI, Dina Fitrisia; GAZALI; HERLI, Mohammad; ULUM, Bustanul; SYAFII, Mochamad; IRAWAN, Hendra & RAHAYU, Dwi Inggarwati
- The effect of supply chain strategy toward competitive advantage, and company performance: case of small-medium industries in West Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. PONO, Maat; ALAM, Syamsu; ARMAYAH & MUNIZU, Musran
- The efficiency of psychological support mechanisms for leaders making decisions under uncertainty. MARASANOV, German I. & ISAEVA, Irina E.
- The elective as a prospect of the students' research work intentional development. Natalya B.PANCHENKO; Julia S.BERDOVA
- The emergent nature of wine tourism in Ecuador and the role of the Social medium Facebook in optimising its positioning. María-Magdalena RODRÍGUEZ-FERNÁNDEZ; Eva SÁNCHEZ-AMBOAGE; Valentín-Alejandro MARTÍNEZ-FERNÁNDEZ
- The epistemological concept of the anthropogenic nature of uncertainty and risks in socio-economic processes. KUSSY, Mikhail Y.; FILENKO, Alla S.; POBIRCHENKO, Viktoriya V.; SHUTAIEVA, Elena A. & KAKUTICH, Evgeny Y.
- The essence and structural elements of a healthy lifestyle of students. GAISINA, Lyutsiya M.; SHAYKHISLAMOV, Rafael B.; SHAYAKHMETOVA, Rimma R.; KOSTYLEVA, Elena G.; GOREMYKINA, Lilia I. y GAINANOVA, Albina G.
- The evaluation of computer games addiction incidence among teenagers of young adolescent age. Anna Viktorovna GRISHINA; Elena Nikolaevna VOLKOVA
- The Evolution of Linguistic Guess While Teaching Chinese Students Reading in Russian Nina Georgievna BOLSHAKOVA; Olga Vladimirovna NIZKOSHAPKINA; Irina Stepanovna MILOVANOVA; Irina Anatolievna KOCHERGINA
- The experience of students’ interethnic tolerance formation in the conditions of university’s multicultural educational space. Natalya Y. SAVCHITS; Sholpan A. ISMAILOVA; Bayan Z. TUREBAYEVA
- The extent of use of PPC tools in Sintex-affiliated textile companies of Blumenau. Mauricio Johnny LOOS; Carlos M. Taboada RODRIGUEZ; Neimar FOLLMANN
- The features of innovative processes in the Russian Federation: Analysis of current practices. Sergey Vyacheslavovich NOVIKOV
- The financial system, its social responsibility, ethical conflicts and macroeconomic stability in Ecuador. Olmedo G. FARFÁN González
- The first results of the European Union's external energy policy. PASHKOVSKAYA, Irina
- The formation of professional mobility of students of an economic profile on the basis of modeling pedagogical situations. HOU, Tiejian; GRYSHOVA, Inna Yurievna; RUDINOVA, Yuliya Ivanovna; KRASNOSHCHEKOVA, Galina Alekseyevna & TSYGANOVA, Larissa Vasilyevna
- The Formation of System Thinking of Bachelors of Technical University by Means of Instrumental Didactics in the Discipline “Energy Saving”. Andrei V. BONDAREV; Tatyana A. POSYGINA; Irina A. SAPRYKO; Zimfira Z. UTYAGANOVA
- The Formation of the Reader's Interests among Junior Schoolchildren within the Framework of the Primary School Teacher Performance. Oryngul Asylbekovna ABILOVA; Nurzhaugan Sarsenovna ZHUMASHEVA; Gulnazit Ermekovna ICHSHANOVA; Elmira Zhumabekovna ISPANOVA; Gulsara Salamatovna AUYELBAYEVA
- The Fostering of Motivation for Innovative Activity in Future Agriculture Specialists as a Pedagogical Issue. Mihail Nikolaevich DUDIN; Nikolay Vasilyevich LYASNIKOV; Oleg Nikolayevich MAKAROV; Olga Anatolevna MASLENNIKOVA; Valery Vasilyevich GREBENNIKOV
- The game as the essence of culture. Seraly Sh. TLEUBAYEV; Aigul K. KULBEKOVA; Balzhan S. TLEUBAEVA; Dauletkhan S. BOLYSBAEV; Ainur A. ZHIYENBEKOVA; Alena T. DOSBAGANBETOVA; Yermakhan I. KISTAUBAYEV; Esen O. OMAR; Asia G. ISENGALIEVA
- The great digital future: challenges and perspectives for the 21st century economics. GLAZYEV, Sergey U.; MITYAEV, Dmitriy A.; SYCHEV, Andrey А.; SAVOSTITSKY, Artem S. & DEMINA, Nadia A.
- The history of formation and development of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Zagira Sundetovna TOKBERGENOVA; Orynkyz Kopbosinovna DJOLDASOVA; Zaure Saduakasovna ABDIRASILOVA; Gauhar Eralykyzy SANAY; Diloram Alievna DZHUNUSOVA; Auezkhan Kadyrzhanovich SHASHAEV
- The impact integrative model of the project graphics training on the design education. ZHDANOVA, Nadezhda; EKATERINUSHKINA, Anna; GRIGORIEV, Andrey; ILYASHEVA, Elena & PISCHUGINA, Oksana
- The Impact of a digital platform on the financial corporation in modern Russia. PILISHVILI, Anatoliy
- The impact of demographic processes on forming student body in Ukraine. TSYMBALENKO Nataliia V.; TARASENKO Iryna O. & BIELIALOV Taliat E.
- The impact of e-commerce in supply chain management on permanent establishment concept. AHMED, Adel & ELKHATIB, Sobhy
- The impact of education on the attitudes of the local population towards migrants (the case of European countries). PROKHODA, Vladimir A. & KURBANOV, Artemiy R. PROKHODA, Vladimir A.; KURBANOV, Artemiy R.
- The impact of intercultural competencies in the society’s education index and how it affects productivity. Isidro FIERRO Ulloa; Maria jose PICO; Diego CARDONA Arbelaez
- The Impact of Social Innovation: Benefits and Opportunities from Brazilian Social Business. Bruno Anicet BITTENCOURT; Paola Schmitt FIGUEIRÓ; Soraia SCHUTEL
- The impact of social networks on consumer behavior of young people. Natalia Leonovna SMAKOTINA; Nadezhda Vladimirovna MELNIKOVA
- The Impact of the Digital Revolution on the Paradigm Shift in the Economic Development. Elena Vladimirovna USTYUZHANINA; Aleksandr Viktorovich SIGAREV; Irina Pavlovna KOMAROVA; Ekaterina Sergeevna NOVIKOVA
- The impact of the training system on a company's attractiveness. VINICHENKO, M.V.; USHAKOV, D.; LI, N.P.; KIRILLOV, A.V.; MELNICHUK, A.V. & CHULANOVA, O.L.
- The impact of the USA pedagogical innovations on the Russian post-revolution educational system in the XX century. Tamara YOVANOVICH; Natalya PROM; Olga TOPORKOVA
- The implementation and analysis of an Accelerated Life Test (ALT) under uncertainty conditions. ABACKERLI, A.J.; OLIVEIRA, M. C.; PEREIRA, P.H.; SASSERON, P. L. y DEMOLIN, F. L.
- The Implementation of Good University Governance in the Private Universities in Makassar (Indonesia). Sita Yubelina SABANDAR; Amiruddin TAWE; Chalid Imran MUSA
- The Implementation of Kano Model and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to optimize the quality of higher education in Indonesia. NURJANNAH, HAFIDZAH; MARDIANTY, DESY; HAYATI, RESTU & SUSANTI, EFI
- The implementation of the concept of internal quality assessing system of the preschool education based on the principles of state and public administration. Marina Vladimirovna POTAPOVA; Artem Arkadievich SALAMATOV; Boris Alexandrovich ARTEMENKO; Irina Viktorovna KOLOSOVA; Oksana Gennadievna MISHANOVA;Irina Anatolievna SELIVERSTOVA
- The implementation of the fiscal and incentive potentials for regional taxes in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. MUSAEVA Khaibat; MIRZABALAEVA Farida; MIRGOROD Ekatеrina; ALIEVA Patimat & KERIMOVA Zaira
- The implementation of the IoT concept in the post-industrial economy. KARLOV, Dmitriy N.; POLOZHENTSEVA, Yulia S.; KREMLEVA, Lyudmila V. & KALIMYLLIN, Dilovar D.
- The implementation of the strategic planning and the influence of organizational culture. Rolando Juan Soliz Estrada y Greici Sarturiy Lorenzo Sanfelice Frazzon
- The implementation technique of investments monitoring into the economy's real sector. Gulnara M. KVON; Badma V. SANGADZHIEV; Maksim V. DEMCHENKO; Marina A. PONOMAREVA; Elena A. SMIRNOVA
- The Importance of Mathematical Games as Methodological Resource Education. Daniel Fernandes da SILVA; Estaner Claro ROMÃO
- The importance of mathematical sciences in the development of future specialists’ potential in socioeconomic researching. Marina G. SERGEEVA; Ivan A. PUGACHEV; Marina B. BUDILTSEVA; Irina Yu. VARLAMOVA; Natalya S. NOVIKOVA; Natalia V. GENINA
- The importance of educational quality management in improving student’s capital. Karakat M. NAGYMZHANOVA; Ryskeldy AIKENOVA; Meiramgul Z. DZHANBUBEKOVA; Sabit S. MAGAVIN; Nasilya M. IRGEBAEVA
- The Importance of the Entrepreneurship Discipline in the Bachelor of Graphic Design Course for the Development of Future Entrepreneurs. Inara Antunes Vieira WILLERDING; Mirian TORQUATO; Waldoir Valentim GOMES; Júnior Melissa Ribeiro do AMARAL; Edis Mafra LAPOLLI
- The improve level of firm value with liquidity, debt policy and investment in indonesian emerging market. HIDAYAT, Riskin; WAHYUDI, Sugeng; MUHARAM, Harjum; SHAFERI, Intan & PUSPITASARI, Intan
- The individual style of speech of teachers from higher education institutions as an indicator of pedagogical professionalism. VOLKOVA, Natalia P.; TARNOPOLSKY, Oleg B. & OLYINIK, Irina V.
- The influence of a psychological and a cognitive component of a student's thinking style on his/her success in life-long learning. Anna Mikhaylovna TATARINCEVA; Natalia Leonidovna SOKOLOVA; Marina Georgiyevna SERGEEVA; Nadezhda Nikolayevna BEDENKO; Ivan Sergeyevich SAMOKHIN
- The influence of experience, motivation and professional commitment on employee performance and job satisfaction at the audit firm in Indonesia. SUNYOTO, Yonathan; LELY, Nur & AGUS, Andi
- The Influence of Incentives on Work Achievement of Agents in Takaful Keluarga Insurance at Riau Agency Representative Office of Pekanbaru City. Zulkifli RUSBY
- The Influence of Interpersonal Communication and Work Culture on Teacher Performance in Junior High School at Wajo Regency. BASIR, Sutrisman & BASIR, Muhammad
- The influence of rivalry on the activity performance: based on the research of industrial enterprises. LEVCHENKO, Valeriy V.; YURYEVA, Olga V.; RASTORGUEVA, Elena N.; NEVEROVA, Julia S. & TALIPOVA, Lyudmila Yu.
- The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Perception of Brands. Caroline Cronemberg CAIXETA; Antonio NASCIMENTO Junior; Alexandre Maduro ABREU
- The influence of stock market development of low income and middle/high income group countries on an increase in economic growth. Aslan B. TASMAGANBETOV; Botakoz Zh. BOLATOVA; Каnаt Ye. АGLESHOV; Samal Zh. ТАSMAGANBETOVA; Anar YESSENGELDINA; Azamat ZHANSEITOV
- The influence of the integration level of the production and logistics cluster participants on its efficiency upon implementing import substitution program. KHAIROVA S.M.; KARPOV V.V.; KOVALEV V.A. & KHAIROV B.G.
- The influence of the organizational culture and motivation of the state employees on the efficiency of the state support of small and medium business in Kazakhstan. Aliya MUKHAMEDZHANOVA; Gulimzhan SULEIMENOVA; Svetlana MOLDAGULOVA; Arman NURMAGANBETOV; Ainur ZHARKESHOVA
- The influence of violence in physical education classes in Rio de Janeiro favelas. Carlos Eduardo FERRARI; Carlos Alberto Figueiredo da SILVA; Roberto Ferreira dos SANTOS; Jorge França MOTTA; Alfredo Gomes de FARIA JUNIOR
- The influence of virtual information spaces on tourism development. Ekaterina Vladimirovna VISHNEVSKAYA; Tatiana Bronislavovna KLIMOVA; Olga Konstantinovna SLINKOVA; Yana Gennadievna GLUMOVA
- The influences of perceptions in bicycle demand for users with the same socioeconomic characteristics. Michel MURILLO ACOSTA; Alfonso ROMERO-CONRADO
- The innovation of products and services: a review of the methodology for its evaluation in the organizations. SEPÚLVEDA AGUIRRE, Jovany; GARCÉS-GIRALDO, Luis F.; ARIAS, Francisco; BETANCOURT, Jorge H.; ARBOLEDA, Carlos & VALENCIA-ARIAS, Alejandro
- The innovation process development in dairy cattle breeding in Russia. Marianne Ya. VASILCHENKO
- The insertion of design in small furniture companies to qualify decision making. Edu Grieco MAZZINI JUNIOR; Elpídio Oscar Benitez NARA; Liane Mahlmann KIPPER; Julio Cezar Mairesse SILUK; Ana Julia DAL FORNO
- The inter-branch concept of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the citizens of Mongolia in the territory of the Russian Federation and the citizens of Russia in the territory of Mongolia. Yury Petrovich GARMAEV; Yury Vladimirovich KHARMAEV; Lydia Petrovna CHUMAKOVA
- The introduction of innovative techniques of tutor`s support of students in Russian universities. Yelena Yuriyevna DMITRIYEVA
- The Introduction of Media Education in the Practice of General Education. Elena A. BONDARENKO; Svetlana E. GUDILINA; Tatiana Yu. LOMAKINA; Ekaterina V. YAKUSHINA
- The Inverted Spiral: How Social Capital Diverges from Micro to Macro Levels. Janaina MACKE; Alyne SEHNEM
- The issue of improving of possessory risk management systems in the transition to the fifth and sixth technological paradigms. KHACHATURYAN, Mikhail V.; KORYAGINA Inga A., NIKISHOVA Maria
- The job movement on the Russian labor market (according to open sources). Svetlana V. LOBOVA
- The Kept Samples of Folklore: Problem of the Edition of Mashkhur Zhussup’s Folklore Book. Nartay ZHUSZUPOV; Berdibay SHALABAY; Muhabbat BARATOVA; Zhanarka IBRAEVA; Zakiya LAPYTOVA; Raushan MUTALIEVA; Kaldygul ABDULLAYEVA;Janat SAKENOV
- The leadership problem and style of managing the pedagogical staff of pre-school educational organization. RERKE, Viktoriya I.; BUBNOVA, Irina S.; TATARINOVA, Larisa V.; BERINSKAYA, Inna V.; BABITSKAYA, Lyudmila A.
- The life of young Russia: value orientations and life paths. Tamara Dmitrievna KOSINTSEVA; Nursafa Gafurovna KHAIRULLINA; Igor Nikolaevich GLUHIH; Elena Nikolaevna PRYAKHINA; Alexandr Yurievich NIKIFOROV; Juliya Zufarovna BOGDANOVA
- The limits of the concept «professional legal awareness deformation» from the psychological and legal perspectives. T.V. KHUDOYKINA; V.S. BREDNEVA
- The main attributes for improving service quality – a healthcare institution’s case study. Ana ESTIMA; Carmina S. NUNES; Judite MANSO
- The main directions of increasing the investment attractiveness of the Russian regions in the conditions of institutional transformations. Oksana V. TAKHUMOVA; Elena V. KASATKINA; Elena A. MASLIHOVA; Alexey V. YUMASHEV; Maria V. YUMASHEVA
- The main directions of stimulating the development of inbound tourism in the Russian Federation. Ivan P. KULGACHEV; Natalia A. ZAITSEVA; Anna A. LARIONOVA; Elena V. IVANOVA; Vladimir A. GLADILIN; Viacheslav N. ZHENZHEBIR
- The main directions in cooperation between the Russian scientific organizations and research institutions of the «global triad» (USA, EU and Japan). Igor MONAKHOV
- The main features of Speech Acts usage in food advertising discourse. Olga Valerevna STRIZHKOVA; Olga Vladimirovna KABANOVA; Maria Vasilyevna SHCHERBAKOVA; Galina Valentinovna TEREKHOVA; Elena Aleksandrovna MOKRICKAYA
- The Main Issues of Corporate Governance in Modern Russia. Sergei Bulatovich ZAINULLIN;, Elena Aleksandrovna EGORYCHEVA; Natalia Vitalievna BONDARCHUK; Anna Andreevna KURASHOVA
- The management of intellectual capital in an enterprise that operates in an innovative environment. AIMUKHANBETOVA, Guldana; AMIRBEKULY, Yerzhan; KALYKOV, Abay; AKYBAYEVA, Gulvira & ZHANSEITOV, Azamat
- The management of the Kazan province’s industry in the Soviet Russia during 1917-1921 years: analysis of systemic reforms in the economics. GAPSALAMOV Almaz Rafisovich; USTYUZHINA Olga Nikolaevna
- The measuring of the spiritual tourism in regions of South Kazakhstan. Almas KURALBAYEV; Nurjan ABISHEV
- The Metamorphosis of the Real Estate Sector in India after the Implementation of GST and RERA. Sankalp SRIVASTAVA; Charu BISARIA
- The Method for Self-Analysis of the Level of a Technology Teacher’s Research Skills Development. Maria Nikiforovna ROMANOVA; Alexandra Ivanovna ZAKHAROVA; Alexandra Fedorovna BORTNIK; Nikolai Nikolaevich ROMANOV; Anna Alekseevna ZAKHAROVA
- The method of designing objectives and content of professional education in technical higher educational institutions based on professional standards. Rais S. SAFIN; Evgeny A. KORCHAGIN; Tatyana V. SUCHKOVA; Ilfak E. VILDANOV; Runar N. ABITOV
- The methodology for developing professional competencies of bachelors in the program «Pedagogical Education». PEREVOSHCHIKOVA, Elena N.; SAMOILOVA G.S.; LAPIN, Nikolay I.; ELIZAROVA, Ekaterina Yu. & PANOVA I.V.
- The methodology for english textbooks organizing in higher educational establishments. Aygul Zufarovna IBATOVA
- The Methodology for Gradual Development of the Meta-Subject Competencies in Schoolchildren Aged 11-13 during Extracurricular Activities in Studying Arts and Crafts of the Peoples of the Russian North. Alla Dmitrievna NIKOLAEVA; Oksana I. MARKOVA; Olga Petrovna OSIPOVA; Fekla D. TOVARISHCHEVA; Rimma I. EGOROVA; Natalia M. SOLOVIEVA
- The model of activity of a foreign language teacher on the prevention of preadolescents’ academic failure. Anna Vyacheslavna GIZATULLINA
- The model of evolutionary optimization of production processes at advanced technological enterprises. SHAMIN, Roman V.; URYNGALIYEVA, Aizhan A.; SHERMADINI, Marina V. & FILIPPOV, Pavel G.
- The model of professional competence development in future Physical Education teachers at an entrepreneurial university. ZHIENBAYEVA, Saira; KALYSH, Amanzhol; ZHUBANDYKOVA, Akgul; NABUOVA, Roza; ISSAYEVA, Aliya; ABILMAZHINOVA, Oryngul & AHMULDINOVA, Aigul
- The modernization of the service industry infrastructure based on the public-private partnership mechanism. Marina Alekseevna IZMAILOVA; Tatyana Dmitrievna KRYLOVA; Natalia Vladimirovna KNYAZEVA; Alexander Ivanovich BULEEV; Tatiana Valerievna SHUTOVA
- The modernization project of the mathematics teaching process providing the formation of a personal sense of knowledge for students of non-core areas. Natalia V. BIRYUKOVA
- The monitoring of the universities’ activities as a basis for inclusive higher education strategic development. Svetlana Nikolayevna KASHTANOVA; Elena Yurievna MEDVEDEVA; Vladimir Alexandrovich KUDRYAVTSEV; Elena Alexandrovna OLKHINA; Natalia Victorovna KARPUSHKINA
- The motivation of prospective professional careers and the success attributes of Chinese and Russian University students. PILISHVILI Tatiana; DANILOVA Anna
- The multicultural education of information age: development trends and approaches to research. Tatiana SHAPOSHNIKOVA; Tatyana KOSTYUKOVA; Oksana DOLGAYA; Svetlana MARCHUKOVA
- The multiplicative effect of free economic zones in the context of attracting investment capital. Ilsiyar Ravilevna ZARIPOVA; Aida ZHANKARAKYZY; Baurzhan ISKAKOV; Alla KARABULATOVA; Ismagilova Tagira VALINUROVNA; Liliya Failasovna SULTANOVA
- The Necessity for Developing the Integrated System of Economic Information on the Bank Services Market in the Conditions of Globalization. Nadezhda K. SAVELEVA; Eleonora V. NAGOVITSYNA; Irina P. LAPTEVA; Raisa A. SHCHINOVA; Tatyana L. KOIKOVA
- The Need for Bank Capital Planning with Regard to Basel III Standards. Kulyash Jazikbayevna BERTAYEVA; Darkhan Onaltayevich ONALTAYEV; Aida Oryntaevna ZHAGYPAROVA; Aidos Kaldybayevich AKPANOV; Arailym Muratkyzy ABITOVA
- The need to study the sociocultural aspect in the process of comparative language for specific purposes learning on the example of English and Spanish business terminology. LITYAGINA, Elena
- The New Philosophy of Chinese Socio-Cultural Acquisition in School Classroom. Natalya ZAVYALOVA
- The Nonprofit Sector as a Basis for Social Entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan: Potential and Models. Tatyana Petrovna PRITVOROVA , Meiramgul Pazylovna AYAGANOVA
- The Northern Sea Route: problems and development potential in international transport corridors system. GUTMAN, Svetlana; KONNIKOV, Evgenii & KUZNETSOV, Roman
- The Notion of «Transport – Communication Infrastructure» Formation in the Russian Economic Thesaurus. Viktor BLAGININ; Tatyana KHUDYAKOVA; Elena ALIMOVA
- The open educational resources for distance education in the universities of Ecuador. María Soledad REA Fajardo
- The organizational learning in Colombia, Dominican Republic and Brazil. Manuel Alfonso Garzón Castrillon y André Luis Fischer
- The paradigm of sustainable development and innovation in the region. Salima A. MAKHOSHEVA; Natalia Y. RUD; Marina M. KANDROKOVA; Magamed V. ISRAILOV; Fatimat B. SHINAHOVA
- The paradigm of the formation of linguoculture in the process of self-education of students in teaching a foreign language. GRIGOR'EVA, Elena Ivanovna; YAROSHENKO, Nikolay Nikolaevich; BOGATYREVA, Svetlana Nikolaevna; SMIRNOVA, Elena Vladimirovna & KIREEVA, Irina Anatolyevna
- The peculiarity of the ethno-social conflicts in the Russian labor market: comparative analysis of Russia, Great Britain and Germany. Aleksander A. OSEEV; Fariza A. DUDUEVA; Peter KARÁCSONY; Mikhail V. VINICHENKO; Sergey A. MAKUSHKIN
- The pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a factor in the formation of the communicative culture of students. MA, Xiangfei; BELOZERTSEVA, Natalya Vasilyevna; ZATSEPINA, Elena Aleksandrovna; MERKULOVA, Lyudmila Petrovna & TATARNITSEVA, Svetlana Nikolayevna
- The perception of prices by consumers of educational services. Svetlana Sergeyevna DEMTSURA; Yelena Yuriyevna DMITRIYEVA
- The Perspectives of Development of the Educational Services Market in the Russia’s Regions in the Conditions of Knowledge Economy Formation. Irina V. BARANOVA
- The phenomenon of the sharing economy: Development problems and prospects in the context of the digital revolution. Elena Vladimirovna USTYUZHANINA; Irina Pavlovna KOMAROVA; Ekaterina Sergeevna NOVIKOVA; Aleksander Viktorovich SIGAREV
- The place and role of the russian segment in the world market of natural gas. L.S. SHAKHOVSKAYA; V.I. TIMONINA
- The Potential of Motivational Technologies in Humanities Education. SOSNOVSKAYA, Irina V.; SOSNOVSKIY, Ilia Z.; NIKONOVA, Nadezhda I.; ZALUTSKAYA, Svetlana Y.& GALITSKYH, Elena O.
- The practical importance of student conferences in a foreign language (from the experience of working with aerospace students). ABRAMOVA, Olga V. & KOROTAEVA, Irina E.
- The practices of exposure to russian cultural heritage in the training of the russian language as a foreign language in higher education. Larisa Ivanovna NEKHVYADOVICH
- The presentation of totalitarian themes in the children’s movies of director A. Karsakbayev. Yerzhan JUMABEKOV; Gulnara MURSALIMOVA; Renat KOSSAY
- The principles of constructing a methodical system for teaching computer science in general educational school. Magomed Musaevich ABDURAZAKOV; Ruslan Abdul Saidovich AZIYEV; Magomed Goseangadzhievich MUHIDINOV
- The private and social return to education considering the characteristics of society. Michele ROMANELLO
- The problem of adaptation of foreign students studying in Russian universities. Zagir Azgarovich LATIPOV; Arthur Mazhitovich ZIYATDINOV; Lyubov A. DEMIDOVA; Victor GERASIMOV; Maria N. ZAOSTROVTSEVA
- The problem of forming a system of indicators for monitoring objects of specially protected natural territories. OKMYANSKAYA, Valentina M. & BOGDANOVA, Olga V.
- The problem of housing affordability as a durable economic good from the point of view of Tyumen consumer purchasing power. PANCHENKO, Natalya B.; FEDOROV, Boris V.; BERDOVA, Yuliya S.; ARYASOVA, Dina V. & ZOBNIN, Yurii A.
- The problem of overcoming negative tendencies in teenagers’ personal development. Elena SUVOROVA; Liliya POLYAKOVA; Yulia YUZHAKOVA; Tatiana EMETS
- The problem of practice-oriented instruction in higher education. Bakytgul ABYKANOVA; Salamat IDRISSOV; Galiya SALTANOVA; Nurgul SHAZHDEKEYEVA;, Shara SYRBAYEVA
- The problem of selecting information on costs: Development and current state. Olga Alexandrovna ZHIGUNOVA; Artem Sergeevich KOVALEV
- The Problems of Responsibility for Violation of Legislation Regulating the Information Security on the Internet. Svetlana Jurievna STARODUMOVA; Maria Aleksandrovna VOLKOVA; Alla Andreevna NEZNAMOVA; Georgij Nikolaevich KULESHOV; Renata Romanovna LENKOVSKAYA
- The process of professionalization and governance in long lived family-owned companies: Advances and challenges. Janete Lara de OLIVEIRA; Suelen Rodrigues MIRANDA; Wesley MENDES-DA-SILVA
- The profile and behavior of the pharmacist as the manager of the pharmaceutical supply chain. Marcelo Gorri MAZZALI; Ieda Kanashiro MAKIYA; Francisco Ignácio Giocondo CESAR
- The proposed model for assessing the performance of financial institutions (banks) of Mazandaran province (Iran) has been done using the Fuzzy Delphi Integrated Approach and the Fuzzy Analytic network process. Bahram Shabani DIZ Abadia; Peyman BARZEGAR Kelijia; Mostafa ABEDINI
- The Quality Management System Improvement for the Enhancement of Production Competitiveness. Salima MIZANBEKOVA; Nurdaulet UMBETALIEV; Aigul AITZHANOVA; Anton BOGOMOLOV
- The Reading Activity of Migrant Children within the System of Sociocultural Adaptation in Russia. Elena Aleksandrovna ZHINDEEVA; Ol'ga Ivanovna BIRYUKOVA; Elena Nikolaevna MOROZOVA; Ol'ga Ivanovna NALDEEVA; Nadezhda Nikolaevna GORSHKOVA
- The regression analysis applied as a tool for elaboration of position and wages in a family business services. Jadir P. dos SANTOS; Flavio Galio Araujo DUTRA; Iris Bento da SILVA; Márcia Donizete Leite OLIVEIRA
- The relation between academic self-concept and L2 motivational system of pre-service english teachers in Kazakhstan. GELISLI, Yucel; KAZYKHANKYZY, Lazura; MANKESH, Aksaule; SHAUYENOVA, Meruyert & AKHMETOVA, Aigul
- The relation between shareholder value orientation and human resources management in Brazilian settings. Roberto MARX y João Paulo Reis Faleiros SOARES
- The Relations between Chinese and English in the Era of Globalization. Elena S. IAKOVLEVA; Li BING; Zhao PENGBO; Niu YUFENG
- The Relationship between Culture and Entrepreneurship: From Cultural Dimensions of GLOBE Project. CASTILLO-PALACIO, Marysol; BATISTA-CANINO, Rosa; M. ZUÑIGA-COLLAZOS, Alexander
- The relationship between short-term fluctuations and stages of economic cycle: The case of Ukraine. BURLUTSKIY, Sergiy V.; BURLUTSKA, Svitlana V.; MARHASOVA, Victoriya G. & SAKUN, Oleksandra S.
- The Relationship between Subsidiaries’ Initiatives and Subsidiaries’ Roles in Emerging Markets. Felipe Mendes Borini y Moacir de Miranda Oliveira Junior
- The relationship of employment, economic growth and economic structure (the example of Russia). ROMANYUK, Irina; PSHENICHNIKOVA, Svetlana & PLOTNIKOV, Vladimir
- The relevance of legal awareness distortions in risk and innovative management. GORBUNOVA, Maria, V.; LUKMANOVA, Rushana Kh.; STOLETOV, Anatoliy I.; PARKHOMENKO, Elena V. & STARSHININA, Svetlana V.
- The Republic of Buryatia in the new space of Siberia and the Far East. TSYRENOV, Dashi D.
- The research activity of the Bachelor Students. Tatiana FOMINA; Grigory VOROBYEV
- The research on territorial disproportions in russian economy digital transformation model. ELOKHOV, Alexander M.; ALEXANDROVA, Tatyana V. & PRUDSKLY, Vladimir G.
- The role of children’s cinema in supporting educational and cultural ideologies in the 1920s and 1930s in Russia. LOBANOVA, Olga B.; PLEKHANOVA, Elena M.; KOLOKOLNIKOVA, Zulfia U. & YAMSKIKH, Tatiana N.
- The role of higher education in saving societies in challenging circumstances. Lubov Nikolaevna POLUSHINA; Natalya Nikolaevna KLESHCHINA; Irina Andreevna SINITSYNA; Natalya Ivanovna MERZLIKINA; Nataliya Markovna SHLENSKAYA
- The Role of Information in the System of Macroeconomic Indicators. Pavel V. LIMAREV; Yulia A. LIMAREVA; Irina S. AKULOVA; Galina S. KHAKOVA; Natal'ya A. RUBANOVA; Viktor N. NEMTSEV
- The role of insurance in providing economic safety of business entities. Mikhail Gennadevich RUSETSKIY; Lyubov Vasilevna AGARKOVA; Lubov Konstantinovna ULIBINA; Olga Alekseevna OKOROKOVA; Timur Gadzhievich AYGUMOV
- The Role of Knowledge Management in Organizational Development. TSEKHOVOY, Alexey Philippovich; ZHOLTAYEVA, Aibarsha Serzhankyzy & STEPANOV, Alexey Vladimirovich
- The role of non-financial reporting in developing a strategy for increasing the energy efficiency of the company of the russian fuel and energy complex. PALEEV, D.L.; CHERNYAEV, M.V.; MOSEYKIN, Yu.N.; GRIGORYEVA, E.M. & KREYDENKO, T.F.
- The role of organizational culture in the management of higher education. GUS'KOVA, N.D. & ERASTOVA, A.V.
- The role of pedagogical practice in the employment of bachelors of the University (experience of the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University). Anna NEUSTROEVA; Ekaterina PAVLOVA; Tatyana BORISOVA; Nadezhda OKONESHNIKOVA; Evdokiya SIDOROVA
- The role of professional education in the system of education in the Netherlands, Belgium and Russia. Maria V. FOMINYKH; Bella A. USKOVA; Victoria S. LUKINYKH; Nikolay K. CHAPAEV; Rudilf T. SHREYNER; Georgiy K. SMOLIN
- The role of religiosity and social influence on perceived business ethics and its impact on the purchase of creative industrial products. SRI, Hartini; GANCAR, Candra Premananto; MUHAMMAD, Ihwanudin; JOVI, Sulistyawan & SUKARIS, Sukaris
- The role of smartphones and the internet in developing countries. GLUSHKOVA, Svetlana; BELOTSERKOVICH, Denis; MORGUNOVА, Natalia & YUZHAKOVA, Yulia
- The role of the intellectual services sector in the development of innovative processes of the modern «Knowledge economy». ZAKHAROVA, Elena N.; CHISTOVA, Marina V.; ABESALASHVILI, Marine Z. & GONENKO, Daniil V.
- The role of the university educational environment in the development of student´s awareness of a healthy lifestyle. OLESOVA, Antonina P.; VASILYEVA, Marianna I.; PROTODYAKONOVA, Marianna N. & BUGAEVA, Lyubov P.
- The role of village credit institution (LPD) to realize the economic empowerment. SASKARA, Ida Ayu N.; MARHAENI, A.A.I.N. & YULIARMI, Ni Nyoman
- The Selection of New Business Strategies: a Brazilian Petrochemical Study. Marcos Paixão Garcez y Roberto Sbragia
- The simulation modeling of the EAEU development scenarios under the influence of various economic factors. ERESHKO, Felix I.; SHEVCHENKO, Vasiliy V.; TURKO, Nikolay I.; KOKUYTSEVA, Tatiana V. & OSTROVSKAYA, Anna A.
- The SMEs' internationalization: Multicriteria-Based Priorization Using Fuzzy Logic. Jorge Aníbal RESTREPO, Sonia MARTÍN Gómez , Juan Gabriel VANEGAS
- The Socio-Diagnostic Model for Analyzing Subtle Influence Technologies in Business Management. Arsen Edvinovich NURIDJANOV
- The specifics of the economic activity of modern russian corporations. GNEVASHEVA, Vera A.
- The state expenditures for the social protection of the population within financial security support system. Tatyana Fedorovna ROMANOVA; Olga Valentinovna ANDREEVA; Karina Nikolaevna SAMOYLOVA; Anna Alexandrovna SUKHOVEEVA; Dmitry Gennadevich ROMANOV
- The state regulation of the religion relations in Czechoslovakia on the example of the Orthodox community. Maria S. BAYNOVA; Kozyrev MAXIM S.; Palekhova POLINA V.; Alexander V. PETROV
- The study of modern cyclic processes in the economy of the region. Oksana Vyacheslavovna BUTORINA; Natalya Pavlovna PAZDNIKOVA; Yuliya Vladimirovna KARPOVICH
- The study of motivational readiness of teachers to implement inclusive education of children with disabilities. V.I. DOLGOVA; N.G. KUTEPOVA; E.G. KAPITANETS; N.V. KRYZHANOVSKAYA; E.V. MELNIK
- The study of readiness of future teachers psychologists to Sensemaking professional activities. BORZENKO, Olga V.; SOKHRANOV-PREOBRAZHENSKY, Vladimir V.; DONINA, Olga I. & ARYABKINA, Irina V.
- The study of the regional market as a management object. Olga V. GRIGORENKO; Tatiana Yu. GAVRILENKO; Irina V. BELOUSOVA; Artem E. TERPUGOV; Irina O. SADOVNICHAYA; Victoria A. TURUKINA
- The Subject-Object Identification of Personnel Security Threats. Svetlana V. LOBOVA; Aleksei V. BOGOVIZ
- The supply chain of fresh vegetables in Brazil: the relations between retailers and fresh vegetable suppliers. Roberta de Castro SOUZA Pião; Gabriela SCUR; Patrícia BELFIORE Favero; João CHANG Jr
- The synthesis of marginalistic and behavioral value theories as the basis of a systematic approach to understanding this theory. Yakov S. YADGAROV; Galina P. ZHURAVLEVA; Oleg V. CHEREDNICHENKO; Svetlana V. MUDROVA; Mikhail I. BOTOV
- The system of cultural and creative development of students in the educational environment of higher education institutions in the sphere of culture and art. Olga Vadimovna STUKALOVA
- The system of educational situations as a methodological support for updating the content of education. ANDREEVA, Evgeniya V.; ZABRODINA, Inga. V.; KARATAEVA, Tatyana. Y.; KOZLOVA, Natalya. A.; STERLIGOVA, Ekaterina. A.; FORTYGINA, Svetlana. N.; FOMINA, Larisa B.
- The System of Monitoring of Entrepreneurial Activities in the Retail Sphere. Ekaterina L. RALNIKOVA; Elena A. BRATUKHINA; Andrey V. KUKLIN; Aleksei A. NABOKIKH; Lyudmila K. PROKOPENKO
- The System of State Support for Small and Medium Entrepreneurship and Evaluation of its Effectiveness. Yury I. TRESHCHEVSKY; Nadezhda A. SEREBRYAKOVA; Galina V. GOLIKOVA; Svetlana A. VOLKOVA; Tatiana A. VOLKOVA
- The System of Technical Student’s Research Activity (Oil and Gas Specialization Case Study). Anatoly KOZLOV; Olga TAMER; Svetlana LAPTEVA; Rim TEMIRBAYEV; Tatyana SHEVNINA
- The tacit dimension of knowledge in defining requirements in a software factory. Rafael Poltronieri PANOZZO y Ana Cristina FACHINELLI
- The teacher and pedagogical science: How to overcome the barrier? Vladislav SERIKOV
- The teaching practice of the bachelor of business administration in Brazil. Adriana Oliveira da SILVA
- The theory of constraints: a case study as a strategic tooling in production management of a small sized company. Hamilton Pozo
- The time factor during the formation of the company's entrance to the external market strategy. Tatyana V. SHTAL; Ludmila M. BONDARENKO; Galiya S. UKUBASSOVA; Yerzhan AMIRBEKULY; Zukhra G. TOIBOLDINOVA
- The training manual skills of students of stomatologist on simulators of a different level of realism. SEVBITOV Andrey V.; KUZNETSOVA Maria Yu.; DAVIDIANTS Alla A.; BORISOV Vitaliy V.; DOROFEEV Aleksey E.; TIMOSHIN Anton V.
- The transformation of international cooperation enhancement criteria during the transition to multipolarity. Victoria PERSKAYA
- The transformation of the approaches to management of the sustainable development of enterprises based on the introduction of controlling. Tatyana KHUDYAKOVA; Andrey SHMIDT
- The transport model as a necessary condition for the construction of an efficient transport system. Kanat DAUBAYEV; Aiymzhan KERIMBEK; Svetlana VERMAGANOVA; Anar AITKALIYEVA; Saule ZHALBINOVA; Kuralay JRAUOVA; Aidyn KALTAEV; Ainur SUGUROVA
- The Top 50 Universities for Psychology: Educational and Future Career Trends for Students. PILISHVILI Tatiana; KARABUSHCHENKo Natalya; MAGOMEDOVA Ekaterina; ROSEANNE Russell; MEDVEDEVA Irina
- The typology problem of digital currencies and their role in global digital economy development. LEVI, Dmitri A.
- The Unanticipated Enforcement of Demonetisation and it’s Implication on Indian Economy. Sankalp SRIVASTAVA; Charu BISARIA
- The university integration management model in the national innovation system. Gennady Innokentevich LAZAREV; Svetlana Valeryevna KRIVOSHAPOVA; Vyacheslav Gennadevich KRIVOSHAPOV
- The use of accounting information system as guidance for the decision-making in Cucuta SMEs . Nubia Isabel DIAZ Ortega; Juan Manuel VILLAMIZAR Ramírez
- The use of active teaching methods in bachelor training. Boris Nikolayevich KIREEV
- The use of Grounded Theory in the Construction of a Model for Sustainable Management in a Computer Company. Ricardo Moreira da SILVA, Ubiratan da Nóbrega BORGES, Bruno FEITOSA, Samantha da Silva GUIMARÃES y Kliver LAMARTINE
- The use of European experience in mortgage lending in Russian conditions. ERMILOVA, Maria & USHAKOV, Denis
- The use of GIS technologies for the management of the enterprise. MARTYNOVA, Natalia G.; BUDAROVA, Valentina A.; MOSKVIN, Viktor N.; DUBROVSKIY, Alexey V. & MALYGINA, Olesya I.
- The use of ICT in Spanish Financial Sector: the case of Facebook. Miguel PEÑARRETA QUEZADA; Mercedes TEIJEIRO ÁLVAREZ; Clide RODRÍGUEZ VÁZQUEZ; Félix BLÁZQUEZ LOZANO
- The use of margin analysis for management decision-making in the baking industry. VOROZHBIT, Elena G.; VYSKREBENTSEVA, Anna S. & LASKINA, Maria V.
- The Use of Modern ICT as Tools for Development of Learning Communication in the Contemporary University. SHUTENKO, Andrey I.; SHUTENKO, Elena N.; ALEKSEEV-APRAKSIN, Anatoly M.; MALTSEVA, Julia M.; LYCHKINA, Liubov S. & TEGALEVA, Tatiana D.
- The use of modern ICT to provide students' self-realization in russian higher school. Andrey I. SHUTENKO; Elena N. SHUTENKO; Andrey M. SERGEEV; Inna V. RYZHKOVA; Irina A. TALYSHEVA; Elena V. TSAREVA
- The use of the budget planning mechanism in construction companies: Evidence from LLC «Stroytekhnologiya». Olga A. NIKITINA; Yulia V. LITOVSKAYA; Tatyana A. SAVINKOVA; Ekaterina G. ZINOVYEVA; Olga S. PONOMAREVA
- The use of the «soft power» concept in the modern Russian tourism industry. Oleg A. BUNAKOV; Natalia A. ZAITSEVA; Anna A. LARIONOVA; Vadim A. ZHUKOV; Marina A. MOROZOVA; Nina V. DMITRIEVA
- The use of WebQuests in foreign language training of students of non-linguistic specialties. SHUTENKO, Andrey I.; SHUTENKO, Elena N.; RYZHKOVA, Inna V.; KORENEVA, Anastasia V.; SIDOROVA, Magrarita I. & ROTARYANU, Lubov A.
- The value of the hydro resources of Lake Zhalanashkol for the development of health tourism and recreation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kuat M. BAIMYRZAYEV; Yerlan S. ANDASBAYEV; Erkyn A. TOKPANOV
- The weekday effect and intraday seasonality: evidences in Brazilian stock market. Kelmara Mendes Vieira, Paulo Sergio Ceretta, Maximiliano Kruel y Fernando Casarin
- The wine tourist’s segmentation: a literature review. VITALE, Lucrezia; LÓPEZ-GUZMÁN, Tomás; PÉREZ GÁLVEZ, Jesús Claudio & DI CLEMENTE, Elide
- Technological prospecting: the nanotechnology applied to neglected diseases. Tamires Andrade da SILVA; Giselle Alves da PAIXÃO; Julio Henrique Rodrigues GOMES; Tamares Andrade da SILVA; Isabelle de Argolo MELO; Luciano Aparecido Meireles GRILLO; Camila Braga DORNELAS
- Technology of complex accompany of student social and project competence formation process in social sphere. Tatiana I. SHULGA; Olga A. EFIMOVA; Lyudmila V. KOLOMIYCHENKO; Ekaterina S. MINKOVA; Irina G. KARTUSHINA; Elena V. MAKAROVA
- Theoretical and Analytical Aspects of Formation of Risk-Oriented Approach to Evaluation and Ranking of the Level Region’s Economic Security. Elena KARANINA; Ekaterina SAPOZHNIKOVA; Olesya RYAZANOVA; Svetlana GRIN
- Theoretical and methodological aspects of state support of innovatively active organizations. Marina M. BUTAKOVA; Olga N. SOKOLOVA; Natalia A. ZAITSEVA; Anna A. LARIONOVA; Lidia A. KOZLOVSKIKH; Irina P. PALASTINA
- Theoretical and methodological bases of formation of petrochemical clusters. SPANOV, Magbat; NURGALIEVA, Kuralay & USSENOVA, Anel
- Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for the Formation and Development of Corporate Management System with Regard to the Assessment of its Effectiveness in Current Market Conditions. Juliya Sergeevna TSERTSEIL
- Theoretical Foundations of Developing the Concept of International Marketing. Olga Yurevna VOROZHBIT; Ekaterina Viktorovna ASTAKHOVA
- Theoretical/Methodological Foundations of Fostering in College Students Values-Based Attitude toward Their Future Professional Activity. Nataliya Vladimirovna VYSOTSKAYA , Valentina Nikolaevna SIDORENKO , Elena Ivanovna SUKHOVA , Ekaterina Alexandrovna POGREBINSKAYA , Irina Vladimirovna NIKISHINA
- Theoretical perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility in the managerial scenario: Shared implications between the company-stakeholders. MELENDEZ, Jesus R . & GRACIA, Gabriela E.
- Theoretical Substantiation for Creating Wave Wind Turbines for Ecological and Technological Safety. Sergey STREKALOV; Igor TYRTYSHNIKOV; Lyubov STREKALOVA; Sergey PUSHENKO
- Theory and practice of updating the content of education in chemistry and teaching methods, in view of modern science and technology achievements. Svetlana Aleksandrovna VOLKOVA
- Theory of Constraints: A systematic review from the management context. Jesus Ramon MELENDEZ Rangel; Yamil Abdallah ZOGHBE Nuñez; Anny Macarena MALVACIAS Escalona; Grace Annabelle ALMEIDA; Javier LAYANA Ruiz
- Thermal hydrolysis pretreatment of Typha angustifolia: A decouple evaluation of liquid and solid phase effects on biomethanation process. Danieli Ledur KIST; Sara Isabel PÉREZ-ELVIRA; Luiz Olinto MONTEGGIA
- Third-Person Effect e as Tecnologias Digitais: a Percepção do 'Eu' sobre os 'Outros' a Partir dos Conteúdos Eróticos na Internet. Renata Francisco Baldanza y Nelsio Rodrigues de Abreu
- TICs y gestión de la innovación en MiPyMEs: Un análisis con experimentos factoriales para las utilidades. VARGAS-ORTIZ, Luz Elena; VILLALBA-VIMOS, Vanessa Viviana; SEVERICHE-SIERRA, Carlos Alberto; BEDOYA-MARRUGO, Elías Alberto; CASTRO-ALFARO, Alain Fitzgerard y COHEN-PADILLA, Harold Enrique
- Tiempo necesario para rentar una vivienda: Una aplicación de Regresión Logística Geográficamente Ponderada. Gabriel Alberto AGUDELO Torres; Luis Ceferino FRANCO Arbeláez; Luis Eduardo FRANCO Ceballos; Jorge Enrique AGUDELO Torres
- Tiempos de accesibilidad vs semáforos y baches en la red BRT Transmilenio. URAZÁN, Carlos F.; ESCOBAR, Diego A.; TAMAYO, Jhonny A.
- Tijolo solo-cimento: apontamentos contemporâneos em termos de Brasil. César Carlos SANTANA Filho; Charles Lourenço de BASTOS; Danilo Duarte C. e SILVA; Hugo MENDES; Lucas SANTOS de Oliveira; Wesley Gomes OLIVEIRA
- Time Dependent School Bus Routing. OREJUELA, Juan Pablo y HERNÁNDEZ, German Jairo
- Time and Principle of Identity in Hegel’s Metaphysical Comprehension. Tatiana TORUBAROVA
- Time to collect stones: problems and prospects for the fur farming industry in Russia. KHUSAINOVA, Natalya & VOROZHEYKINA, Tatyana
- Tipología de muertes de buzos profesionales ocurridas en Chile entre los años 2000 y 2012. Raquel PEREIRA Berríos; Francisco MESA Mesina; Anita DÖRNER Paris; Alex VELIZ Burgos
- Tipologías penales omitidas en la investigación y juzgamiento de violencias basadas en género en el proceso de Justicia y Paz (Ley 975 de 2005, Colombia). Alait FREJA-CALAO; Cristina E. MONTALVO-VELÁSQUEZ; Edwin M. CORTÉS-SÁNCHEZ
- Typology of the regions of the Russian Federation from the standpoint of developing a “green” economy with regard to the specifics of the economic space. Maria A. GUREVA
- Tipos de amistad según Aristóteles: diferencias entre la amistad por placer, por utilidad y la amistad verdadera. Luis Fernando GARCÉS Giraldo; Omar HUERTAS Díaz
- Tipos de inversión para optimizar la gestión financiera en industrias del sub-sector lácteo en el estado Zulia, Venezuela. SOCORRO, Cecilia C.; VILLASMIL, Milagros del C. y FERNÁNDEZ, Johender R.
- Todo definido, (casi) todo por hacer. Educación universitaria para la sustentabilidad. Oscar Luis MERCADO Muñoz; Francisco URQUIZA Gómez
- Tolerant Consciousness of Educational and Multicultural Space Subjects. Elena Ermolaevna DMITRIEVA; Svetlana Nikolayevna KASHTANOVA; Elena Yurievna MEDVEDEVA; Elena Aleksandrovna OLKHINA; Vladimir Aleksandrovich KUDRYAVTSEV
- Toma de decisiones basada en conocimiento en organizaciones de I+D+i, identificación de la brecha de investigación. Diego Hernando FLÓREZ-Martínez; Jenny Marcela SÁNCHEZ-Torres
- Toma de decisiones en la gestión del sector agroindustrial del bizcocho de achira en Huila (Colombia). Sandra Migdonia TOVAR TRUJILLO; Gloria Liliana GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ; Shyrley Rocio VARGAS PAREDES
- Toma de decisiones en las PyMEs ecuatorianas: industrias de Pichincha y Azuay. ACUÑA, Cristina; ORTIZ, Juan; ABAD, Matías y NARANJO, Efraín
- Toma de decisiones. Explicaciones desde la ciencia aplicada del comportamiento. Guberney MUÑETON Santa; Andrés Felipe RUIZ-MARTINEZ; Osmar Leandro LOAIZA Quintero
- Toma de decisiones y sus repercusiones sobre costos transaccionales en las empresas. Luis Fernando LANDAZURY-VILLALBA; Marcelo BASSO-DONATTI; Gerardo NEUGOVSEN; Santiago MERCANT; Hussein JAAFAR-ORFALE; Alexander RUZ-GÓMEZ
- Tomada de Decisão em Gestão Integrada Participativa: um estudo no Comitê da Bacia do Rio Araranguá/SC, Brasil. Melissa WATANABE; Carla Spillere BUSARELLO; Igor Martello OLSSON; Cristina Keiko YAMAGUCHI
- Tool Development Updating for the Internal System of Preschool Education Quality Assessment within Current Legislation of the Russian Federation. Boris Aleksandrovich ARTEMENKO; Irina Borisovna EDAKOVA; Irina Viktorovna KOLOSOVA; Vladimir Vitalevich SADYRIN; Marina Leonidovna SEMENOVA
- Tópicos de Aprendizagem na Gestão do Conhecimento: perspectiva interdisciplinar no contexto do ensino superior. Regiane da Silva MACUCH; Letícia Fleig DAL FORNO
- Tourism Demand In The World Cup 2014 In Brazil: An estimate based on the combination of forecasts and mathematical adjustment. Vera Lúcia Milani MARTINS, Liane WERNER y Maurício Raymundo BELLEZA
- Tourist accommodation in new rural destinations: the problem of adequate pricing in the light of interregional comparison. Olesya A. ZUBRILINA; Dmitry A. RUBAN; Natalia N. YASHALOVA
- Tourist destinations in the regions of the Russian Arctic: opportunities and obstacles to development. KALACHNIKOVA, Maria Yu.; SHAPAROV, Alexander E.; SHADRINA, Olga N. & MYAKSHIN, Vladimir N.
- Towards the Issues of Multilingual Competence Formation. Aida Kenesbekovna SADYKOVA; Altynai Abdikhanovna BEISEMBAYEVA; Agnur HKALEL
- Trabalho e a política de seguridade social na expansão do sistema do capital. Maria Lúcia da SILVA Souza; Raimunda Áurea Dias de SOUSA
- Trabalho e loucura: O adoecimento do sujeito nas organizações. Tamiris Vitorino da COSTA; Henrique Guilherme SCATOLIN
- Trabalho feminino: Considerações acerca da teoria crítica feminista, gênero e desenvolvimento na pós-modernidade. Francisco MALTA de Oliveira; Ertz Ramon TEIXEIRA Campos; José Américo COUTINHO Júnior; Maria da Luz ALVES Ferreira
- Trabalho Infantil, um mal necessário? Uma análise com dados do SAEB. Pedro Ivo Camacho Alves SALVADOR
- Trabalho interdisciplinar entre profissionais de equipes de Estratégia Saúde da Família das 4a e 5a Regionais de Saúde do Paraná, Brasil: uma investigação qualitativa. Altair JUSTUS NETO; Luana BERNARDI; Daiana NOVELLO
- Traditional economic structures as the reproductive basis of «rooted economy» in the Russian periphery. Y. S. KOLESNIKOV; Zh. D. DARMILOVA
- Traditional knowledge, use, and management of Copernicia prunifera H. E. Moore (carnaúba) in Northeastern Brazil. Irlaine Rodrigues VIEIRA1, Jefferson Soares De OLIVEIRA, Christiano Franco VEROLA, Maria Iracema Bezerra LOIOLA
- Traditional values in the context of the transformation of public consciousness in globalization (Russian-Russian context). Natalia А. SHAOZHEVA; Yuriy M. THAGAZITOV
- Traditions of Human Physical Development in Kazakh National Pedagogy as a Means of Patriotic Education of Future Teachers. Talant Duisenuly BIMAKHANOV; Gasanguseyn Ibragimovich IBRAGIMOV; Kulzhanat Nurymzhanovna BULATBAEVA; Meirambek Kazbekovich MURZABEKOV; Sherizat Nietalyuly KUATBEKOV
- Training for education researchers: between performativity and credentialism. TURPO-GEBERA, Osbaldo; HURTADO-MAZEYRA, Alejandra; DELGADO-SARMIENTO, Yvan & MANGO QUISPE, Pedro
- Training of future specialists in primary education in universities of Ukraine and Poland for the formation of a class team. YANKOVYCH, Oleksandra; CHAIKA, Volodymyr; YASHCHUK, Inna; BINYTSKA, Kateryna; KOKIEL, Andrzej; PYSARCHUK, Oksana & RATUSHNIAK, Nataliia
- Training the future teacher-researcher for professional activity at Master’s degree level. OREKHOVA Yelena Y.; GREBENKINA Lidiya K.; EREMKINA Olga V.; BADELINA Mariya V. & SYSOEV Sergey M.
- Training of future teachers during teaching internship in the context of modern approaches (Directions of specialization: Physics, mathematics, informatics). Manana Dmitrievna DAMMER; Irina Stepanovna KARASOVA; Elena Anatolevna LEONOVA; Marina Vladimirovna POTAPOVA; Evgenia Alexandrovna SELEZNEVA
- Training of workers and specialists relevant to the requirements of high-tech industries in the context of networking cooperation of regional educational institutions and enterprises. Aleksey Viktorovich SAVCHENKOV
- Training instructors in higher education: Kazakhstan context. Saltanat RYSBEKOVA; Tuyakbai RYSBEKOV; Bayan SHINTIMIROVA
- Trajetória da Estratégia e Inovação na Cadeia Produtiva de Frango de Corte no Brasil: Um Estudo de Caso em uma Empresa Brasileira. Marta Chaves VASCONCELOS; Christian Luiz da SILVA
- Trajetória da pós-graduação e do fomento à pesquisa no Brasil. Claudia Tania Picinin, Luiz Alberto Pilatti, João Luiz Kovaleski, Bruno Pedroso y Andriele de Prá Carvalho
- Trajetórias da inovação no Brasil: o papel da Embrapii. Jonatas Soares dos SANTOS; Marcos Paulo FUCK
- Trajetórias da inovação: uma análise na base de dados Scopus. Eliana Andréa SEVERO; Eric Charles Henri DORION; Julio Cesar Ferro de GUIMARÃES; Isadora Ribeiro Amaral de SOUZA; Pedro Orlando SEVERO
- Trajetórias Tecnológicas do Etanol: do Proálcool à Alcoolquímica. Nilson Maciel de Paul, Marcos Paulo Fuck e Rafael Barreto Dalcin
- Transações e garantias de direito de propriedade em sistemas agroalimentares: um estudo sobre a aquisição de leite cru por laticínios no estado do Paraná, Brasil. Jaiane Aparecida PEREIRA; Sandra Mara Schiavi BÁNKUTI; Julivan Gutierrez PEREIRA; José Paulo de SOUZA
- Transculturación del gobierno Mokana en el territorio de Malambo (Colombia). Pabla PERALTA Miranda; Viviana CERVANTES Atía; Hilda ESTRADA-LÓPEZ; Laura ALTAMIRANDA
- Transfer pricing: Business or tax process? Difficult equilibrium between two dimensions. PAVONE, Pietro
- Transfêrencia de conhecimento através da retenção das habilidades dos trabalhadores idosos. Silvia Cristina Grudzinski, Antonio Augusto de Paula Xavier, Ariel Michaloski, João Luiz Kovaleski, Guataçara dos Santos Junior
- Transferência de Conhecimento em Multinacionais Emergentes: survey com as multinacionais brasileiras. Felipe Mendes Borini y Moacir De Miranda Oliveira Junior
- Transferência de conhecimento: Tecnologias usadas em multinacionais brasileiras em Portugal. Alisson Eduardo MAEHLER; Douglas WEGNER; Marcelo Fernandes Pacheco DIAS
- Transferência de informação na cadeia de autopeças: um estudo comparativo entre os segmentos de OEM e reposição. Flávio Corrêa Rangel y Marco Antonio Pinheiro da Silveira
- Transferência de significado entre a marca e o consumidor: O «Efeito Vampiro» nas propagandas endossadas por celebridades. Carlo Alessandro CASTELLANELLI
- Transferencia de tecnología Francia-Brasil: un análisis antropotecnológico. Proença, Rossana; Pacheco Da Costa Santos, Neri
- Transferência de Tecnologia: uma discussão sobre os Fatores Críticos de Sucesso para os transmissores e para os receptores da tecnologia. Herlandí de Souza ANDRADE; Messias Borges SILVA; Milton de Freitas CHAGAS Jr.; Adriano Carlos Moraes ROSA; Vanessa Cristhina Gatto CHIMENDES
- Transferencia interactiva de conocimiento para la innovación de la gestión en servicios públicos. María Pía MARTIN Munchmeyer; Ignacio ALFARO Rojas
- Transferência internacional de tecnologia em uma multinacional espanhola. Kelly Cristina Ramos de MELLO; Julio César ZILLI; Adriana Carvalho Pinto VIEIRA; Roseli JENOVEVA NETO
- Transferencia inversa de conocimiento en empresas multinacionales en mercados emergentes: una retrospectiva. TINOCO, Evelyn K.; QIN, Xuebin; BRAVO, Fernanda I.; DÍAZ, Juan C. y PRECIADO, Joffre D.
- Transferencia y apropiación de la investigación en universidades colombianas. Raimundo Abello Llanos, Manuel Acevedo Jaramillo, Omar González Arango, Lucero Zamudio Cárdenas, Jaime Alberto Camacho Pico, Martha Cecilia Gutiérrez G., Emiliano Barreto, Juan Carlos Ochoa Botero y Gabriela Torres Marín
- Transformação digital na gestão dos ativos: Análise das Tecnologias adotadas e o processo de gestão. ATTENCIA, Gustavo F.
- Transformación del paradigma educativo del baile flamenco. Bárbara DE LAS HERAS MONASTERO
- Transformación social a partir de la educación en el aula. PACHECO Ruiz, Carlos Miguel; NIEBLES Nuñez, William Alejandro y HERNÁNDEZ Palma, Hugo Gaspar
- Transformaciones Socio Territoriales en el Periurbano y Desigualdad Espacio-temporal. Pablo MANSILLA Quiñones
- Transformações ambientais de um campus universitário nas últimas três décadas: um estudo baseado na percepção ambiental de atores da instituição. Aldo Fernando ASSUNÇÃO; Aline Votri GUISLON; Danilo Barbosa de ARRUDA; José Carlos VIRTUOSO; Kelly Daiane Savariz BÔLLA; Patrícia Figueiredo CORRÊA; Peterson Teodoro PADILHA; Viviane Kraieski de ASSUNÇÃO
- Transformando «LIKES» em vendas: O processo de adoção do Social Commerce no Facebook. Cristiano Caruso Rinaldi dos SANTOS; Juliana Maria Magalhães CHRISTINO; Luis Rodrigo Cunha MOURA; Newton Amaral PAIM
- Transformation of museum product. VISHNEVSKAYA, Ekaterina V.; KOROLEVA Inna S.; SLINKOVA Olga K.; KLIMOVA, Tatiana B. y GRIGORENKO, Svetlana E.
- Transformation of the public administration system in the context of integration of the national innovation systems of the Union State. Ruslan A. ABRAMOV; Andrey P. KOSHKIN; Maksim S. SOKOLOV; Meir N. SURILOV
- Transformation of values in global society: managerial aspect. Tatyana FOMICHEVA; Julia SULYAGINA; Valentina KATAEVA;, Elena KRYUKOVA; Svetlana DUSENKO
- Transição Agroecológica em meios de vida: Conhecimentos e praxis de educandos das Escolas Famílias Agrícolas (EFAs). Jaqueline Rocha OLIVEIRA; Maria Izabel Vieira BOTELHO
- Transición de paradigmas epistemológicos en el marketing. Algunos retos disciplinares y profesionales. Gregorio HERNÁNDEZ Pulgarín
- Transiciones sistemáticas en el uso y la cobertura del suelo en una microcuenca alto andina, Ecuador 1991-2011. Diego Armando DAMIAN; Carmen Omaira MÁRQUEZ; Víctor Julio GARCÍA; Marcos Vinico RODRIGUEZ; Celso Guillermo RECALDE
- Transitive Universities in Transitive Societies: Current Risks of Educational Migration. Mikhail Viktorovich BOGUSLAVSKY; Nataliya Sergeevna LADYZHETS; Egor Valentinovich NEBORSKY; Olga Vladimirovna SANNIKOVA
- Transparencia, corrupción y democracia en América Latina: teoría y praxis. FINOL-ROMERO, Lorayne T.
- Transparência da Gestão Fiscal em Municípios do Estado de São Paulo - Brasil. Raquel Regina Zutin ANTONELLO; Marcio Roberto DIAS; Juliana Rodrigues JACOVETTI; Ivan Carlin PASSOS; Luiz Eduardo GAIO; Eduardo de BRITO; Fernando da Silva PEREIRA
- Transparência da Gestão Fiscal nos Municípios Catarinenses e a Atuação do Controle Externo. Cibelly Farias CALEFFI; Fabiano Maury RAUPP
- Transparência nas Organizações do Terceiro Setor: Uma análise das demonstrações contábeis. Diogo ROTA; Fábio FERRON; Rosana da Rosa Portella TONDOLO; Vitor Francisco Dalla CORTE; Renê ROMANSSINI
- Transparency of the governmental procurement for civil society and the factors of their efficiency. Kirill Anatolyevich BELOKRYLOV; Olga Spiridonovna BELOKRYLOVA
- Transport and communication space development in open innovation model. Alexey I. SHINKEVICH; Svetlana S. KUDRYAVTSEVA; Evgeniya P. SIMAEVA; Alla N. STOLYAROVA; Guzyal M. KHARISOVA; Elena V. PETROVA
- Transport Data Visualization. Case Study: Pereira (Colombia). Orlando SABOGAL; Diego ESCOBAR; Juan HINCAPIE
- Transporte público para Copa do Mundo de 2014 no Brasil: Perspectivas, tendências e o caso de Curitiba. Marcos Antonio Rezende, Antonio Carlos Frasson, Luiz Alberto Pilatti, João Luiz Kovaleski y Dayana Carla de Macedo
- Tratamento Contábil no Mercosul e na Comunidade Andina: um estudo sobre os investimentos em coligadas e controladas e nas propriedades para investimento em empresas industriais. João Luis Peruchena THOMAZ, Clóvis Antônio KRONBAUER, João Rafael ALBERTON y Luiz Carlos SCHNEIDER
- Tratamento de efluente de uma lavanderia industrial por meio da eletrofloculação: Uma opção para o reúso. Fábio ORSSATTO, Alessandro EWERLING, Maykon Douglas do Amaral DOMINGUÊS, Eduardo EYNG, Maria Hermínia Ferreira TAVARES
- Tratamiento de la información y la competencia digital de los estudiantes para la producción de géneros discursivos en la Universidad Ecotec. MARRERO, Odalys Sánchez; MOHAMED, Rachida Amar y XIFRA, Jordi Triadú
- Trayectorias de aprendizaje y dinámicas de resolución de problemas en instituciones latinoamericanas de generación y transferencia de conocimientos científicos y tecnológicos. Análisis de una experiencia de desarrollo de un polo tecnológico (PTC-Argentina). Hernán Thomas y Carlos Gianella
- Treinamento e desenvolvimento com foco no clima organizacional. Valdinei Aparecido da Cruz BORGES; Vinicius ZORZENON; Simon Skarabone Rodrigues CHIACCHIO
- Tremec-Chrysler: Una experiencia exitosa de innovación. Salvador Padilla Hernández y María de la Luz Martín Carbajal
- Trends in publications on the circular economy. Rafael Mattos DEUS; Júlia Panzarin SAVIETTO; Rosane Aparecida Gomes BATTISTELLE; Aldo Roberto OMETTO
- Trends in the development of didactic principles’ content in the theory and practice of the Russian school in the late XIX – early XX centuries. Olga B. LOBANOVA; Zulfiya Ul. KOLOKOLNIKOVA; Elena N. YAKOVLEVA; Tatyana V. ZAKHAROVA; Natalya V. BASALAEVA; Natalya V. NEMCHINOVA; Tatyana V. KAZAKOVA
- Trends in the development of education modernization legal policies in the post-Soviet states. Anatoly Vladimirovich OVCHINNIKOV; Marina Insarovna FROLOVA
- Trends in the development of fiscal authorities of Kazakhstan. Zaida А. ILIMZHANOVA; Venera R. BURNASHEVA; Barkhudar Sh. GUSSENOV
- Três Decadas de Desenvolvimento da Ecoeficiência: Um Estudo Bibliométrico da Atividade de Pesquisa em Literatura Científica Indexada na Base Scopus. Alberto ALMEIDA DOS SANTOS; Julio VIEIRA NETO; Jose Rodrigues FARIAS FILHO
- Três décadas de expansão urbana e concentração populacional em Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Izabel Cristina de Souza CRUZ; Giovana Mira de ESPINDOLA; Eduilson Lívio Neves da Costa CARNEIRO
- Tributos: un asunto de dioses. RESTREPO PINEDA, Carlos M.; ZULUAGA CALLE, José D.; CANO MORALES, Abel M.; VÉLEZ JARAMILLO, Edwin A.; RÍOS OBANDO, Julián A. y GONZÁLEZ ECHEVERRI, Wilmar D.
- Troca rápida de ferramenta: Estudo de caso em uma empresa automotiva. Rafael dos SANTOS; Willian SCHIMITZ; Hiago SOARES; Diego Augusto de Jesus PACHECO
- Tropics and Income: longitudinal evidence from Brazil. Claudio Djissey SHIKIDA; Ari Francisco de ARAUJO Jr.
- Turismo comunitario desde la perspectiva del desarrollo local: un desafío para la Comuna 23 de Noviembre, Ecuador. Olga BRAVO; Paola ZAMBRANO
- Turismo comunitario y desarrollo local en la ruta del Spondylus: una combinación posible para enfrentar la pobreza. Lupe Cecilia GARCÍA ESPINOZA; Arnaldo Efrén MENDOZA TARABÓ; Jakson Renner Rodrigues SOARES
- Turismo de baixo carbono como ferramenta para a eficiência tecnológica dos meios de hospedagem e transportes. Rodrigo de Sousa MELO; Maria do Socorro Lira MONTEIRO
- Turismo de compra: Imagem do destino, engajamento, satisfação e sua relação com as intenções comportamentais. KOSUGE, Luiz Paulo; RANZATTI, Guilherme Perez; MOLINA, Marcos Antônio; NASCIMENTO, Vania; ALVES, Carlos Alberto
- Turismo de segunda residencia: Impacto sociocultural en el desarrollo sostenible en el sur del Ecuador. Mónica-Patricia COSTA-RUIZ; Verónica-Alexandra ARMIJOS-BUITRÓN; Jhoana-Elizabeth PALADINES-BENÍTEZ
- Turismo na terceira idade: reflexões sobre a importância de atividades de lazer para idosos. Ana Paula Perardt FARIAS; Khaled Omar Mohamad EL TASSA
- Turismo y Desarrollo Sustentable: fortaleciendo la comunidad, la innovación y el poder local de negociación. Christine LE GARGASSON y Arnoldo PIRELA
- Turismo y nuevas tecnologías: aplicación móvil para promover el turismo gastronómico. SALAZAR, Diana P.; SALAZAR, Lenin B.; PARRA, Daysi J. y GUERRERO, Mario R.
- Tutoring in a family raising an infant with special health needs. Victoria Sergeevna VASILYEVA; Liliya Aleksandrovna DRUZHININA; Lyubov Mikhaylovna LAPSHINA; Larisa Borisovna OSIPOVA; Elena Vasilyevna REZNIKOVA
- TV Digital Interativa e Organizações de Aprendizagem. Marcelo Macedo, Fernando Ostuni Gauthier y Louise Botelho
- Two-level triadic decryption method implications for the tourist cluster index formula. GOLOBOKOV, Andrei S.; LEBEDINSKAYA, Yulia S.; VASILYEVA, Anastasia S. & VYSOTSKAYA, Tatyana R.
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