ISSN-L: 0798-1015 • eISSN: 2739-0071 (En línea) - Revista Espacios – Vol. 43, Nº 01, Año 2022
NAOWANON, Adisorn et al. «Developing Teachers’ Learning Management Competency through the
Process of Coaching and Mentoring to Enhance the English Proficiency of Primary School Students in Small
Schools in Soeng Sang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand»
Keywords: teachers’ instructional competencies, integrating guidance, mentoring process to enhance students’
english competencies
Esta investigación tiene dos objetivos principales: 1) desarrollar el proceso de coaching y mentoring para
mejorar la competencia de gestión del aprendizaje de los docentes que mejorará el dominio del inglés de los
estudiantes y 2) estudiar los resultados de este proceso de coaching y mentoring. Se dividió el proceso de
investigación en dos fases: la primera fase fue el desarrollo del proceso de orientación y tutoría para mejorar
la competencia de gestión del aprendizaje de los docentes. El instrumento de investigación fue el formulario
de evaluación del proceso de coaching y mentoring denominado “Proceso TOCM” y la segunda fase fue el
estudio del proceso de coaching y mentoring para mejorar la competencia de gestión del aprendizaje de los
docentes. Esta investigación se llevó a cabo en cuatro etapas principales que fueron la planificación, la acción,
la observación y la reflexión. El grupo objetivo de esta investigación fueron cinco escuelas pequeñas en el
distrito de Soengsang, provincia de Nakhon Ratchasima, Tailandia. Los resultados de la evaluación de la
idoneidad y viabilidad del Proceso TOCM se consideraron adecuados y factibles en un alto nivel.
Palabras clave: competencias educativas de los docentes, orientación integradora, tutoría para mejorar el
inglés de los estudiantes
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
The government has set an urgent policy to raise the standard of English teaching to increase Thailand's
competitiveness in the ASEAN Economic Community, which has used English as the working language since 2016.
However, there are still obstacles in managing English language teaching in schools under the Office of the Basic
Education Commission, especially in small schools. For example, difficulties exist in teaching and learning
management for teachers who are not in the field or English teachers who did not graduate with an English
major, despite using continuous training to develop teachers’ English skills. In addition, past research showed
that there were many problems in managing English language teaching, such as teachers with a lack of knowledge
and understanding of the English language curriculum. A serious problem with the teachers’ overall competency
to teach English was that teachers were not fluent in English. Furthermore, teachers' qualifications were not a
Teaching of English major (Nuanlong et al., 2015). This was consistent with the study showing that teachers
lacked profound knowledge of English, did not truly understand the lessons, lacked teaching skills (Dhansobhon,
2006; Wongsothorn et al., 2003), and lacked various teaching strategies that were suitable for the lessons. They
tended to teach students to memorize. Moreover, they hardly used teaching media or used a limited source of
teaching media because some teachers had a poor command of information technology and computer skills and
a lack of confidence in teaching (Srisueb & Wasanasomt, 2010; Chanhom, 2006). There are various types of
teacher development processes, such as studying research, giving lectures, providing an exemplary model of
teaching, teaching in simulation with a reflection, and on-site coaching to develop teaching skills. One of the
most effective and sustainable methods of teaching development is coaching. This method can produce
knowledge and skills which can be applied to practice. A study by Gottesman (2000) concluded that new
knowledge and skills which are transferred by coaching trainees will be more effective and durable than other
methods. Therefore, the coaching and mentoring method was selected and implemented in this research to
develop and improve teachers’ knowledge, competency, and teaching skills in order to enhance students’ English
proficiency and to continuously train teachers so that they can expand their own knowledge and expand other’s.
The process of coaching is teaching about work assigned to subordinates whose performance is at the standard
level. Mentoring involves giving a consultation to or teaching employees whose performance and other related
duties are above the standard, to help increase their potential. Their performance will affect the further