ISSN-L: 0798-1015   •   eISSN: 2739-0071 (On line)


Vol. 42 (Issue 14) Year 2021. Art. 4

Received: 09/05/2021 • Approved: 19/07/2021 • Published 30/07/2021

Analysis of redesigning  the connecting rod and its influence on engine power of Honda 1300 cc year 1997

Análisis del rediseño de la biela y su influencia en la potencia del motor Honda 1300 cc año 1997

LASTRE, Arlys 1
ORBEA, Luis 3
PINARGOTE, Franklin 4

The present work deals with the redesign of the connecting rod, as a link in the kinematic chain, defining itself as the main objective; to increase the power of the MCI by reason of geometric modifications  assuring the fulfillment of the conditions of functionality and the restrictions of resistance by means of the use of systems CAD / CAE. Power measurements were made on a double roller dynamometer per axle before modifying the connecting rod and then with the proposed redesign variant, among which a contrast was made achieving an increase in power greater than 9%, with a reduction of 39,08 gr of material.
Key words: efficiency; redisign; connecting rod; systems cad/cae

El presente trabajo aborda el rediseño de la biela, como eslabón de la cadena cinemática, definiéndose como objetivo principal  aumentar la potencia del MCI a razón de modificaciones geométricas de la misma asegurando el cumplimiento de las condiciones de funcionabilidad y las restricciones de resistencia mediante el empleo de sistemas CAD/CAE. Fueron realizadas mediciones de potencia en un dinamómetro de doble rodillo por eje antes de modificar las bielas y después con la variante de rediseño propuesta, entre las cuales se realizó un contraste logrando un aumento de la potencia mayor al 9%, con una reducción del 39,08 gr de material.
Palabras clave: eficiencia, rediseño, biela, sistema cad/cae.

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1. Department of Electromechanical Engineering UTE University, Santo Domingo, 230102, Ecuador,

2. Department of Automotive Engineering UTE University, Santo Domingo, 230102, Ecuador, Ecuador,

3. Department of Automotive Mechanic ITS JAPON, Santo Domingo, 230102, Ecuador, Ecuador

4. Department of Automotive Engineering UTE University, Santo Domingo, 230102, Ecuador, Ecuador

ISSN-L: 0798 1015 | eISSN: 2739-0071 (On line)
Vol. 42 (Nº 14) Year 2021



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