Vol. 41 (Issue 34) Year 2020. Art. 14
Received: 01/06/2020 • Approved: 15/08/2020 • Published 10/09/2020
LOZHKINA, Svetlana L. 1
ABAEV, Alan L. 2
One of the essential characteristics of the modern stage of the development of the information society is the unprecedented level of development of information and communication technologies. The authors explore the phenomenon of communication in the framework of the concept of social and communicative, information and communication technologies and in the concept of the digital economy. The study substantiates the use of the factor analysis method in determining the effectiveness of investing resources in information and communication technologies of an enterprise.
Keywords: communication, information and communication technologies (ICT), resources, investment in ICT, assessment of the effectiveness of investing in ICT.
Una de las características esenciales de la etapa moderna del desarrollo de la sociedad de la información es el nivel sin precedentes de desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Los autores exploran el fenómeno de la comunicación en el marco del concepto de tecnologías sociales y comunicativas, de información y comunicación y en el concepto de economía digital. El estudio corrobora el uso del método de análisis factorial para determinar la efectividad de invertir recursos en tecnologías de información y comunicación de una empresa.
Palabras clave: comunicación, tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), recursos, inversión en TIC, evaluación de la efectividad de invertir en TIC.
1. Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance, Moscow International University, Moscow, Russian Federation, Contact e-mail: nastyaalex2310@gmail.com, sll04@mail.ru.
2. Head of the Department of Marketing and Advertising, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russian Federation
3. Professor of the Department of Marketing and Advertising, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russian Federation
4. Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance, Moscow International University, Moscow, Russian Federation
5. Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Finance, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Bryansk branch), Bryansk, Russian Federation
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