ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (Number 35) Year 2018. Page 15

Historical-pedagogical research of professional education: methodology, theory, techniques

Investigación histórica y pedagógica sobre la educación profesional: metodología, teoría, tecnología

Timur Al'bertovich MAGSUMOV 1; Takhir Majitovich AMINOV 2; Larisa Yavgarovna AMINOVA 3; Irina Valer'evna KORNILOVA 4; Al'fiya Radifovna KHASANOVA 5; Milausha Khasanovna AKHMETOVA 6

Received: 10/04/2018 • Approved: 22/05/2018


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results

4. Conclusions

Bibliographic references


The importance of the article is determined by, on the one hand, the increasing need of a massive reliance on proven historical and pedagogical experience, and, on the other hand, by insufficient development of methodological, theoretical, conceptual and technological foundations of historical-pedagogical research in general and professional education in particular. Hence the aim of the article is justification of the authors’ concept of historical-pedagogical research based on logic and structure of pedagogical process in its modern understanding. The leading approach to the study of this problem was the idea, considering the pedagogical process as a whole, established by the specific historical conditions, system that helped formulate the basic positions of our concept. It promotes technification in the studies, thereby increasing the quality of works. Along with the concept examined by the authors, categorical research framework, methods, functions, levels of development of knowledge, within which possible knowledge and understanding of historical and pedagogical theory and practice, the principles of selection of research material and justification of the revealed patterns of professional education are analyzed. The article can be useful to teachers, philosophers, historians, culture experts, and anyone who deals with theoretical problems of humanitarian knowledge.
Keywords: Professional education, history of education, concept of historical-pedagogical research, research methods, levels of knowledge, patterns of professional education.


La relevancia del artículo se debe, por un lado, a la creciente necesidad de buscar apoyos en la experiencia histórico-pedagógica, que ha demostrado su validez y, por otra parte, al insuficiente desarrollo de los fundamentos metodológicos, teóricos, conceptuales y tecnológicos de las investigaciones histórico-pedagógicas en general y relacionadas con la educación profesional en particular. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del artículo es fundamentar la concepción del autor sobre la investigación histórico-pedagógica basada en la comprensión contemporánea de la lógica y la estructura del proceso pedagógico. El enfoque principal de esta investigación consiste en la idea de considerar el proceso pedagógico como un sistema integral determinado por las condiciones históricas concretas, lo cual permite formular las posiciones principales de nuestra concepción. Contribuye a la tecnologización de los estudios en cuestión, aumentando así la calidad de los trabajos realizados. Junto con la concepción del autor se describen las categorías aplicadas en la investigación, métodos, funciones, niveles de formación del conocimiento, lo cual permite la comprensión de la teoría y la práctica histórica y pedagógica, se presentan los principios de la selección de material para la investigación, así como la fundamentación de los patrones identificados en la educación profesional. Los materiales del artículo pueden servir a los pedagogos, filósofos, historiadores, culturólogos, a todos los que investigan los problemas de conocimiento humanista.
Palabras clave: Educación profesional, la historia de la educación, la concepción de investigación histórica y pedagógica, métodos de investigación, niveles de conocimiento, patrones de educación profesional.

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1. Introduction

The requirement of new theories, approaches and technologies in the pedagogical process has a natural tendency to grow. The need is obvious due to the constant renovation of society and individuals. It stands to reason that, today we are witnessing the emergence of countless pedagogical theories, conceptions and views (TITOVA & LITVIN, 2015). The phenomenon itself is natural and positive. But is it really so regular? Sometimes, when reading any work claiming to be pedagogical innovation, you catch yourself thinking that you read it elsewhere a long time ago. Peter Lawrence’s expression is appropriate here, who noted that "there is nothing new under the sun, but there is something old, that we don't know" (AMINOV, 2006). We will mention only one reason of imaginary innovators’ mistake: poor knowledge of the history of educational thought and the experience that was cultivated by the education system for centuries.

It is obvious that, the study and reinterpretation of the historical and pedagogical experience is of particular importance, since the potential at vocational education institutions and their management bodies, the experience of the progressive teachers of the past will allow objectively comprehend and borrow all the most significant things for the further development and improvement of the education system. Conceptual-holistic generalization and systematization, identifying significant experience in the development of this system will let the process build the scientific basis for objective assessment of its current status and define trends to improve it.

Therefore, today's interest in historical-pedagogical research is not random. However, this interest is relative, but, nevertheless, the fact is encouraging. But, there a great deal of problems here too. Such as the following: first, the number of both regional and all-Russian historical-pedagogical works, in general, is insufficient. This was repeatedly mentioned by various scholars: the chairs of dissertation councils, members of the HAC and others (SMIRNOV & TKACHENKO, 2005). Therefore, the development process of such studies is only to be encouraged. Secondly, the qualitative component of historical-pedagogical works is significantly affected, which is, of course, their main drawback (ROMANTSEV, 1997). Among these problems I would like to draw attention to the lack of consistency in the interpretation of the pedagogical phenomena, historical facts are presented as eclectic, without proper analytics, they overlap, sometimes contradict each other. Such work is more similar to the work of the archivist, than the study of the historian of pedagogy.

We believe that the cause of such errors is the absence of the strictly defined conceptual framework of historical and pedagogical research. In this respect, a purely historical study is more correct, as in historical science methodological problems, in our opinion, are better developed. In addition to the problems of the considered works, it is necessary to include the poorly developed issues such as the categorical framework of the study, methods, functions, levels of development of knowledge, within which possible knowledge and understanding of historical and pedagogical theory and practice, the principles of selection of material research, identifying the patterns of the studied phenomenon (AMINOV, 2014b), and more.

2. Methodology

The methodological basis for our work was the universal laws of connection, the integrity and interdependence of phenomena and processes of the world, as well as development of these theses in a systemic analysis of social and pedagogical structures of examining the historical-pedagogical phenomena from the point of view of their integral characteristics; the principle of unity of logical and historical in the study of social systems; thesis on the unity of form, content and principles of scientific knowledge; specific historical study of pedagogical phenomena and the multiplicity of their connections; the concept of pedagogical anthropology of holistic, indivisible process of human development; concepts, that define the pedagogical process as a whole, determined by the specific historical conditions, system.

In the development of the specified problems of the history of education, we relied on the methodological and theoretical principles of such authors as V.V. Alekseeva (2017), V.I. Andreyev (2003), S.G. Balchugov & P.Yu. Naumov (2012), M.V. Boguslavskiy (2015), V.A. Ermakov (2012), A.I. Eryomina (2015), V.V. Kraevskii (2003), T.A. Magsumov (2014), Z.I. Ravkin (1994), G.M. Romantsev (1997, 1998, 2005), V.A. Slastenin (2002), V.I. Smirnov (1999), I.P. Smirnov & E.V. Tkachenko (2005), Kh.Sh. Tenchurina (2002), V.A. Fyodorov (2001), G.E. Zborowsky (2000) etc. However, the analysis of the works illustrates the lack of focus of the authors on the conceptual foundations of historical-pedagogical research of professional education, as well as certain methodological and theoretical problems of the considered works.

3. Results

The basis of the authors’ concept of historical-pedagogical research is in the logic and structure of pedagogical process in its modern sense (AMINOV, 2006). The proposed model highlights such components as the goals, objectives, content, forms, methods, means, the process of goal realization as such, the performance of educational systems, the assessment of the result and the whole process. Following the above-mentioned idea promotes technological organization of such studies.

It should be noted that we have already piloted some of the theses of this concept in the previous works (AMINOV, 2014a; MAGSUMOV, 2014). Revealing individual topics of professional education, we relied on the logic and structure of the whole pedagogical process in its modern understanding. The logic of the pedagogical process and the connection of all its structural components should be the basis of analysis of the system of professional education, serving as the subject of historical and pedagogical research, in general. Therefore, in parallel with "pure" historical facts (characteristics and living conditions of social systems of the considered time, the connection of educational institutions with the outside environment, etc.), such components of professional education, as the laws and principles of integrity of the teaching process in vocational schools, as well as the goals, objectives, content, forms, methods, means, the process of goal realization as such, the performance of educational systems and their evaluation will also be subjected to the analysis.

Accepting that any scheme "impoverishes" and does not reveal the essence of the phenomenon under investigation, however, we provide our own scheme of pedagogical process, based on the latest scientific developments. For example, V.V. Krayevskii considers the notions of "pedagogical process" and "educational process" as the same. Regarding the process as a change of states of the system, he concludes that the educational process is the change of states of the system of education as an activity. Hence, "the pedagogical process is an activity in its dynamics, in its motion" (KRAEVSKII, 2003). In this approach, the main emphasis is on the procedurality, activities in the pedagogical process. Complementing these ideas, the author says that the process is the unity of education, training, and all its constituent elements: goals, objectives, etc. (KRAEVSKII, 2003).

Describing education, V.I. Andreyev states that it is "one of the human activities, which are mainly carried out in the situations of pedagogical interaction with the teacher and pupil through training, games, work and other kinds of activities and communication of the pupil for the purpose of development of his personality..." (ANDREYEV, 2003). In our view, this definition has a vivid parallel of the named phenomenon with the teaching process. Let us compare it with the approach of a group of authors under the leadership of V.A. Slastenin in relation to pedagogical process, which is defined as a specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils, aimed at solving evolutive and educational objectives (SLASTENIN et al., 2002). I.P. Smirnov and E.V. Tkachenko have a wider study of education in pedagogical sense, but it is quite similar to the previous opinion. They consider this phenomenon as "purposeful, specially organized process of social interaction among teachers and learners, their developing relationship in the whole system of social space in educational institutions" (SMIRNOV & TKACHENKO, 2005). A similar interpretation of the concept is also given by V.I. Smirnov, who regards the pedagogical process as a specially organized interaction (chain interactions of an elder and younger: the teacher and the pupil) (SMIRNOV, 1999). The purpose of this interaction is the transfer and learning of social experience necessary for living and working in society from the elder to the younger.

Relying on these theses and expanding them, the following main ideas can be highlighted in the pedagogical process: first, a dyad "process – activities" is clearly traced in it, i.e. an activity is a generic term in relation to the latter; secondly, the process is an interaction, i.e., it is definitely bilateral; third, this interaction is of a specially organized professional nature; fourthly, the activity of the teacher has the nature of management.
Consequently, the pedagogical process is a complete system of interrelated activities of the teacher and the pupil, which is caused by strictly defined logic. Hence, the structure of the pedagogical process can be represented in the form of a scheme, and it will be a model of historical and pedagogical research.

Figure 1
The scheme of an integrated pedagogical process (IPP)

So, the pedagogical process is the interaction of a teacher with a pupil, each of which "builds" relations based on their own needs and motivation. The named process is based on regularities acting objectively, regardless of whether they are known to the teacher or not. Principles, or basic rules, requirements for the organization of the pedagogical process are derived from regularities that are not only educational, but also social, philosophical, psychological.

Further, based on the features of pedagogical activity, selected by P.Y. Galperin (1999) (motivating, orienting, executive, controlling), one can identify these stages as diagnostic, motivating, purposeful, stage of planning and goal realization, reflective in the pedagogical process.

Each of these stages corresponds to groups of components of pedagogical process, highlighted in the table. When solving problems of effective development of any branch of education, including professional, it is necessary to examine comprehensively all the components in actual (logical), and, particularly, historical aspects.

Thus, our concept of historical-pedagogical research, in our opinion, enables a logical, qualitative analysis, systematization and interpretation of historical facts and phenomena. The works, written according to the logic named above, will allow a more precise identification of the pedagogical component of the historical-pedagogical research, which technically is their main task.

Let us refer to other research challenges of professional education. To provide adequate perception and interpretation of facts in the history of professional education the essence of such concepts as "professional education" and "the system of professional education" needs clarification.

Until recently, the understanding of professional education was based on knowledge-oriented approach; therefore, it was simply the idea of developing systematized knowledge, abilities and skills. For example, "Sovetskii entsiklopedicheskii slovar'" describes such education as "mastery of specific knowledge and skills in a particular profession and line" (PROKHOROV, 1989). However, due to the changed realias today, fundamentally new approaches have emerged to explain the phenomenon under research. Thus, the authors of "Rossiiskaya pedagogicheskaya entsiklopediya" define professional education as the training of primary, secondary and higher qualifications for working in a particular field. It "focuses on the development of personality", its purpose is to "adapt the students to the peculiarities of the chosen sphere of labor to implement the abilities and interests of the individual" (DAVYDOV, 1999). The basis for this approach is in the student-centered paradigm established today in the pedagogical science. Judging from the same paradigm, G.M. Romantsev reveals professional education as "the process and the result of professional training and education, professional formation and development of the human personality" (ROMANTSEV, 1997). Enriching and extending the content field of the considered concept on the basis of the institutional approach, G.E. Zborowsky defines professional education as a "sustainable form of organization of social life and joint activity of people, which includes the set of individuals and institutions in positions of power and material resources for the implementation of social functions and roles, governance and social control, which on the basis of training, education, development and socialization of the individual is the mastery of profession, line, qualification by the individual" (ZBOROWSKY, 2000).

The authors of the collective monograph "Istoriya professional'nogo obrazovaniya v Rossii" give a broader and more humanistically oriented definition of the considered phenomenon. The named approach was the basis of our reflection. According to the authors of this approach, professional education is a "socially and pedagogically organized process of labor socialization and acculturation of the person providing the orientation and adaptation in the world of professions and the acquisition of samples and norms of professional culture and specialized knowledge, an obtainment of a particular paid profession and a certain level of qualification, continuous growth of competence, skill and development possibilities in certain special fields of human activity, creating conditions for the formation of professional development, improvement and self-realization in the sphere of general and professional culture that meets the interests and needs of the individual and promoting an achievement of humanistic and democratic goals of society" (BATYSHEV, 2003).

Due to this, today there are three main approaches to the definition of vocational education: 1) purposeful pedagogical process of professional training and education; 2) purposeful process of reproduction of skilled labour, training, retraining and improving qualification of specialists performed by state and society; 3) the vocational education system is a network of professional educational institutions. All three selected approaches are reflected in our study.

It is known that every modern decade increases the amount of knowledge twice. Thus, culture, progressing, is becoming more multilayered and complex, it is being enriched with new concepts, categories, definitions. Moreover, this process will continue to grow naturally. In this regard a need in universally recognized conceptual approaches for the formation of new concepts in different sciences arises. Of course, the divergence of these concepts arises even in the field of natural and exact sciences. It is more common in the humanitarian field. So, in the pedagogical science the concept of "system" is often used, for example: "education system", "the system of education", "the system of educational institutions", etc. The concept of "the system of professional education" is the most commonly used category. Suffice to say that it is presented in the works of S.Ya. Batyshev (1999, 2003), T.P. Mamaeva (2016), M.S. Nizamova (2013), Z.I. Ravkin (1994), G.M. Romantsev (1998), Kh.Sh. Tenchurina (2002), V.A. Fyodorov (2001), etc. Among a large number of published papers dealing with various aspects of professional education, there is no simple definition of "the system of professional education". It is not mentioned in the pages of the "Rossiyskaya pedagogicheskaya entsyklopedia" of the latest edition (DAVYDOV, 1993) or in the "Entsiklopediya professional'nogo obrazovaniya" (BATYSHEV, 1999).

It should be noted that in the works of the last decade efforts have been made towards the solution of these problems (MAGSUMOV, 2015; KORILOVA & MAGSUMOV, 2017). But the attention is drawn not to the entire system of professional education in these works, but its separate parts. Thus, V.A. Slastenin explains that "the system of pedagogical education" is a system that is directed at the training of teachers for the teaching activities in teaching general subjects in the general secondary education system (SLASTENIN et al., 2002). The subject areas of this system are secondary disciplines. The authors of the book "Professional'no-pedagogicheskie ponyatiya: slovar'" formulate the definition of only "the system of initial professional education". Their definition is close to our understanding, so we will introduce it in full: "the system of initial professional education is a multilevel, multifunctional, open dynamic system of education, training and development of future professionals of working qualifications, functioning on the basis of interaction of three structural components: managerial (organization, stimulation, control of educational activity), extensive (value, purpose, motivation, process, result of educational activity) and technological (tools, forms, methods of educational activity) (ROMANTSEV, 2005). The definition is succinct, but the elements of a substantial component are selected, in our opinion, in various bases, i.e., they do not appear in sequence.

In "Rossiiskaya pedagogicheskaya entsiklopediya" the definition of the concept "professional education" is given as "the training of professionals of primary, secondary and higher qualifications for working in a particular field" (DAVYDOV, 1999). As one can see, the emphasis has only been made on "the training of professionals". Other possible attributes of professional education in this definition are not taken into account. In addition, it is known that, there are three main components in the education system, which includes: the set of educational institutions, the management of the system and the content of education. In addition to these components, there are other constituent elements, without which the system and its functioning are impossible. The existing opinion about the system being any "ordered sum" willfully constructed by the authors in accordance with their own problem is a persistent misconception. According to N.E. Shchurkova, "the system is entirely definite, necessary and sufficient number of elements in their interaction, generating the only result characteristic of this system" (SHCHURKOVA, 1999). Therefore, in our study we highlighted the following items in the system of professional education: 1) a network of professional educational institutions preparing specialists for work in a specific field of activity; 2) a network of educational institutions on additional training of professional personnel; 3) governing boards, coordinating the activities of professional educational institutions; 4) presence of regulatory and physical plants for the functioning of the entire system of professional education; 5) implementation of career guidance practice and propaedeutic work; 6) determination of goals, objectives, content and methods of professional education; 7) development of scientific thought concerning the problems of professional education. These are, in our opinion, the basic elements of the system of professional education.

Let us combine the selected elements of professional education with the philosophical understanding of the notion "system" when it is seen as a set of elements that are in connections between each other and form certain integrity, unity. Judging from what has been said, we have formulated the definition of "the system of professional education". The professional education system represents a set of interrelated institutions (academic, research institutions and their governing boards), the activity of which is based on regulatory and physical plants and is aimed at training and further training of professional personnel for all areas of social life-sustaining activity. The concept of "professional education" also includes a set of pedagogically adapted theoretical and special knowledge and skills that promote the development of creative and professional thinking, allowing those who have received professional education, to organize themselves in a specific field of activity (AMINOV, 2014b; KHUZIAKHMETOV et al., 2016 ).

Under research methods in pedagogy the ways of a specific activity are meant that involves methods, procedures and activities of empirical and theoretical knowledge and transformation of reality (DAVYDOV, 1993). Not characterizing the whole system of views on the methods of pedagogical research, let us dwell on those groups that can be used in historical-pedagogical work. Based on the experience gained (GABIDULLINA, 2013; MAGSUMOV & KORNILOVA, 2015; CHERKASOV & SMIGEL, 2016; GABIDULLINA et al., 2017), we have made up a classification, comprising six groups of methods: theoretical, archival- bibliographic, empirical, sociological, mathematical and terminological. The first group of theoretical methods includes: analysis, synthesis, restriction, synthesis, comparison, systematization, classification, extrapolation, inductive and deductive methods. Archival- bibliographic methods include: archaeography, bibliographing, annotation, precis-writing, reviewing, citation, thesis-writing, generation of plan. To empirical methods refer: methods of studying of products of activity of participants of educational process, methods of study of the school and other documentation, and observation. Sociological methods involve: discussion, questioning, testing, interviewing. Mathematical methods include arranging, registration, scaling, statistical methods, indexing, and correlation. Among terminological methods can be classifiers, rubricators, and others. Of course, such a division is relative to some extent, since a separate method in "pure form" can not exist, or one and the same method can simultaneously belong to different groups. Historical-pedagogical work in general can be based on any research methods but experiment, which modern pedagogy is rich in. This conclusion is confirmed in the Z.I. Ravkin’s idea, who believes that today "there is a need to thoughtfully use a variety of conceptual approaches and methods in historical-pedagogical research, which are generally accepted but have not still received wide-spread occurrence" (RAVKIN, 1994).

Historical-pedagogical research, being a part of pedagogy, naturally performs the same function as pedagogical science in general. The views on the set of its various functions in the national pedagogy are different, but in general, their essence is fundamentally the same. Thus, the authors of one of college textbooks distinguish the classes of permanent and temporary tasks. Permanent tasks involve revealing regularities of pedagogical process; studying and generalization of pedagogical practice and experience; the development of new content, forms, methods, means, management of educational structures; prediction of education; the implementation of research results into practice (PIDKASISTYI, 2002). The authoring team under the leadership of V.A. Slastenin distinguishes theoretical and technological groups of functions of pedagogy. Each function in turn is implemented on three levels: theoretical – descriptive, diagnostic and predictive, and technological – projective, transformative and reflexive (SLASTENIN, 2002). Based on this logic, V.I. Smirnov marks analytical, prognostic and projective-constructive group of functions (SMIRNOV, 1999). The latter approach was taken as the basis of our study, which incorporates peculiarity of functions of pedagogy, accumulated recently. In historical-pedagogical research all three functions are shown unconditionally.

So, the analytical function is manifested in the theoretical study, description and explanation of essence, contradictions, regularities, causal relationships in historical and pedagogical process; the process of origin and formation (genesis), development of existing and functioning systems of education, pedagogical doctrines, theories, concepts and attitudes (beliefs) (MAGSUMOV, 2017; MOLCHANOVA et al., 2013). Prognostic function of historical-pedagogical research is realized by providing scientifically grounded process of goal-setting and life planning of educational systems (GABIDULLINA & SATTAROVA, 2015). This function also provides forecasting, planning and effective implementation of the state policy in the field of educational theory and practice. Projective-constructive function is realized in the development of new pedagogical systems, theories, technologies; in the implementation of results of historical-pedagogical research in practice, as well as for scientific and methodological support of management of educational institutions (DMITRENKO et al., 2015). These three common functions of historical-pedagogical research are specified in the following particular functions: educational, cognitive, cultural, creative, reflective, organizational, and others.

We have identified five levels of knowledge within which knowledge and understanding of historical and pedagogical theory and practice, in general, and professional education, in particular, is possible. Those levels are philosophical, theoretical, methodological, technological and reflexive.

Philosophical level involves interpretation of facts based on certain methodological positions. The accumulation of knowledge is not only theoretical understanding of various facts, but also the process of the method itself, principles and forms of cognition. This level of cognition, on the one hand, contributes to the construction of a particular phenomenon on the basis of general laws and principles, the main principle among which is the principle of correlation of the common, particular, and special. On the other hand, this level of cognition provides the opportunity to reveal the most common regularities of the considered problem as such. The object, subject, methodology, research methods, connection of methodology with other branches of pedagogy and sciences – this is an incomplete list of problems that are revealed in historical-pedagogical work at this level of cognition.

The theoretical level involves the formation of a comprehensive presentation about a specific area of knowledge. This level reveals the problem in the form of notions, judgments, conclusions, concepts, theories, and systems.

Methodological level involves the possibility of construction of a future activity on the basis of acquired knowledge. Any knowledge is valuable not only in itself; it should certainly be materialized in specific conditions. For example, in college, this means the change of historical and pedagogical experience over professional goals of education and learning of a particular specialist in specific conditions, the choice of methods for their gradual implementation, the determination of the content and types of activities, realization of which will provide the development of the predictable qualities of students.

The technological level of any knowledge, including historical and pedagogical, involves the solution of practical problems, in our case, education in specific conditions. This is the level of understanding, which is, according to K.D. Ushinsky, in contact with art, when there is a transition of thinking in concepts into thinking in images, when something abstract, and theoretical is reflected in the specific word, deed, behavior, activity. Therefore, the technological level of knowledge is not so much the method of obtaining new knowledge..., as a practical approach to the creation of educational process in general, the projection of educational accomplishments of didactics on teaching practice.

The reflexive level involves analysis, synthesis and interpretation of historical and pedagogical knowledge, as well as "assessment of the impact of research results on the practice of education and training and subsequent correction in the interaction between scientific theory and practical activity". V.V. Krayevskii has the same idea, who states that "all in the process of individual reflection of a researcher about his / her own scientific work" (KRAYEVSKII, 2003).

The basis of selection and structure of the content of historical and pedagogical work are such principles as the principle of systematic approach, institutional approach, problem-based approach, scientism, historicism, modularity, variability, and combination of retrospective and perspective.

A systematic approach is based on the ideas of integrity, structural properties, interdependence of system and surroundings, hierarchy and multiplicity of description. The principle involves consideration of professional education as a whole social organism, with a complex, but highly interconnected structure. Following this principle, the description of a network of interrelations and relationships of the education under discussion, its connection with the outside environment is possible, which, in turn, implies simultaneous analysis of the development of the system of professional education and pedagogical thought in the region and in Russia. The element of the systematic principle is a complex approach to the study of objects. There are the following characteristics of the complex approach in methodology of science today: "comprehensive review, accentuation of main parts, grouping around the periphery of the main part, identification of the highest stage of development of the given object and its correlation with the lower stages, interconnectivities and mutual transitions, revealing the interrelation, both internal and external aspects of an object" (ZHURAVLEV, 2005).

The principle of the institutional approach characterizes education as a sustainable and dynamic form of social organization. Within this approach, "education is considered as an element of the system of public relations, interacting with other its elements" (ROMANTSEV, 1998).

The principle of the problem-based approach is used when the evolution (emergence, development and anticipation of the future model) of professional education and its core issues that were solved by pedagogical practice and science. In fact, these are "eternal" cross-cutting issues coming from the most general regularities of educational sphere.

The principle of science reflects the professional education as a developing system with a complex structure, its diverse connections with other social institutions. The implementation of the principle, according to Z.I. Ravkin, involves "scientific objectivity in the interpretation of the analyzed processes, excluding their apologetics, varnishing, as well as name-calling, nihilistic attitude towards the events, personalities and facts, one-sidedness and uniqueness of their valuations" (RAVKIN, 1994).

The principle of historicism involves consideration of all phenomena and facts strictly in the context of a particular historical epoch; it does not accept uniqueness, or one-sided statements about the past. The French sociologist E. Durkheim has an interesting point of view about this principle (AMINOV, 2012). Revealing the principle of historicism in relation to pedagogy, he said that modern pedagogical phenomena can only be understood in the context of their formation and development, of which they are historical results (TENCHURINA, 2002).

The principle of modularity focuses on the selection in the holistic phenomenon of compulsory units of content, the nature of connection between which may be different.

The principle of variability involves the introduction to the content of additional elements and forming up research in the author's logic.

The principle of combination of retrospective and perspective determines the realization of a prognostic function and a focus on contemporary issues of education and pedagogy, however, excluding the modernization of events and underestimation of inherent value of history of education.

In the final part of our work we will focus on the regularities revealed and formulated during many years of our researches. Of course, the regularities of professional education subject to the general laws of education. Therefore, it is inappropriate to include them in our work. Let us select those that reflect the specifics of the problem investigated and are not adequately reflected in the literature.

1) The system of professional education, like any social system, undergoes traditional stages of its own evolution: formation, stabilization, functioning, and then decline, or further development.

2) Before institutes of professional education "in pure form", special knowledge, abilities, skills were initially formed in ordinary mind, then within general education institutions. In general, the formation and development of professional education has the following logic: 1) the initial stage of the empirical accumulation of special knowledge, abilities, skills and experience in public mind and practice; 2) the formation of special knowledge, abilities, skills and experience in general education institutions. At first, in confessional schools, where, along with religious and general development, professional training exists (theologians, teachers, etc.), then in district specialized schools, gymnasiums, where knowledge of law, accounting, agriculture, commerce, pedagogy, crafts, etc are presented in the educational content; 3) organization of institutions of professional education as such; 4) the establishment of forms of further training of specialists. If, however, to consider the evolution of all education in general, the following diagram is revealed: pre-institutional, educational, polytechnic, special and post-graduate stages.

3) Polytechnic education, which lets the students of general educational institutions into the laws lying in the basis of material production, is the necessary element, as well as the stage in the development of professional education; it teaches the skills of dealing with simple tools; prepares for working activity and choice of profession, etc. If, however, to bear in mind a particular person who due to certain circumstances, failed to have the opportunity to go to a regular school, he formed a certain polytechnic education under the conditions his own pre-professional life.

4) The system of education that originated as an institution that meets the social educational needs, has a regular tendency, is becoming more diverse, heterogeneous, split-level in its evolution. This process is determined by various processes happening in society. The more diverse the society is the more diverse educational needs. Therefore, the system of education, professional education in particular, should become more diverse in time. The unification of the education system at some stage begins to play a suppressive role, becomes a negative factor.

5) Knowledge accumulated at present gives reason to believe that at any educational level, a regular school or professional educational institution, the determinants of the content of education are qualitative characteristics of the individual learner. We agree that in theory "general education was understood simplistically for a long time, only as a link, preceding professional education and being the basis for the latter" (DAVYDOV, 1999). In fact, the general education is an independent stable element performing the function of "enculturation" of the student. The same applies to professional education. Hence, as pedagogical practice shows, the presence of general subjects (natural, humanitarian, including physical education and foreign languages) in professional educational institutions is a regular phenomenon. Therefore, professional education is (or should be) a source and factor of continuation of comprehensive personality formation. Some researchers have the same ideas about this problem. For example, G.E. Zborowsky writes that professional education "is not only of a social, but also deeply personal nature. Being aimed at a group of people it is mastered (or assigned) individually" (ZBOROWSKY, 2000).

4. Conclusions

Thus, we believe that in the basis of historical and pedagogical investigations can be a concept built on a modern understanding of the whole pedagogical process. On the one hand, it allows to identify clearly the pedagogical core of the problem, on the other, to a certain extent, to technologize the research process of not only the problems of history education, but also the evolution of educational thought.

At the same time in the article an alternative was proposed to solve particular theoretical and methodological problems such as the specification of the categorical study framework, methods, functions, levels of knowledge formation, within which knowledge and understanding of historical and pedagogical theory and practice is possible, the principles of selection of material research, determination of the regularities of the studied phenomenon and others. It is necessary to pay attention to identified and justified regularities of professional education.

These results are relevant for the history of pedagogy and humanities, as they enrich the methodological, theoretical and technological foundations of research. The revealed problems are a part of those questions, the solution of which is necessary when conducting historical-pedagogical research.

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1. Department of history and methods of its teaching. Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, Russia. Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor. Laboratory of World Civilizations. International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research, United States of America. Ph.D. in History, Senior researcher. Contact e-mail:

2. Department of education. Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Russia. Dr. in Education, Professor. Contact e-mail:

3. Department of social and economic and humanitarian disciplines. Bashkir State Agrarian University, Russia. Ph.D. in Education, Associate Professor. Contact e-mail:

4. Department of history and methods of its teaching. Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, Russia. Dr. in History, Associate Professor. Institute of the Tatar encyclopedia and regional studies. Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Russia. Dr. in History, Leading Researcher. Contact e-mail:

5. Department of biology and methods of its teaching. Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, Russia. Ph.D. in Biology, Associate Professor. Contact e-mail:

6. Department of geography and methods of its teaching. Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, Russia. Ph.D. in Sociology. Contact e-mail:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 35) Year 2018


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